I finished a half hour early and started to scribble on my scrap paper. The result was amazing. Unfortunately, my teacher said I couldn't keep it, so I'll have to recreate it with words. Okay, so first it was like 'BLARG I AM A KRAKEN FROM THE SEA!' and then all the island people were all like 'Oh Noes!' so then it was all like 'NOT TODAY, KRAKEN!' and OMG here comes SUPAH HAOU and WONDER JADEN! *sparkle* except Jaden was facing the wrong way and and wearing a towel instead of a cape, and then they killed the kraken and slapped on some shades and were all like 'Screw the Rules!' and then they drove away in the getaway car with Jim as the driver. It was awsome.
I LOVE DRAWING ON SCHOOL PAPERS. I think your math teacher may have just wanted it for herself, though. I was once very upset, I drew a picture of Luke Skywalker, Leia, and Darth Vader all together and then wrote 'Family Portrait' in nice letters under it on some sheet about moon cycles or whatever they tried to teach me in Earth Science. My teacher collected it and never gave it back. :c