Oh, so it finaly got a release date and an official trailer ? I' ve watched the original series, they' re classics. Don' t remember much of the story by now, but I thought it was good. A longer trailer was shown at a French animation festival three years ago :
I just found out about the series ealier this morning, and as it turns out there's a new movie coming out. I don't know if I'll watch the original series or not, I might if I have nothing to do.
I don' t know if the series were ever broadcasted in the US, but here they were super popular in the 70's and 80's, you' d be hard pressed to find someone from that generation that doesn' t know who' s Harlock. The Daft Punk are from that generation, I suppose they were thrilled to collaborate with Leiji Matsumoto on Interstella5555.