So theres a chance I could get pokemon Heart Gold today. Curse me for choosing the cheap shipping. xD i spelled the wrong
im going to be lazy and wait for its american release. and actually am going to attempt to upgrade my DS to at least a DSLite or maaaaaaaaaabe DSi i literally have no DS games, i sold my Mario, Pokemon Diamond and TWEWY which i regret ;_; only reason why im keeping the darn DS is for Pokemon Emerald and KH and Okamiden :c
I wish importing wasn't so damn EXPENSIVE otherwise I'd have tons of JP games >: ... Maybe it's just Play-Asia.
It didn't come because the mailman skipped our house, I know this because there is still outmail in our mail box. I'm never going to update my original blue ds, who cares if theres a few scratch marks on it.
lol my touch screen is COMPLETELY destroyed Dx its what i get when i use my stylus too hard on my nintendog :<\ that sounded dirty
lol my touch screen is also destroyed, and I also played nintendogs but I stopped because it wasted to much battery power. both of my stylus's are broken because I chew on them.