Watching it right now. I don't care in all honesty, since I've always watched a little bit before getting a game. Although I have to wonder, if he got hiss early, is mine going to start shipping soon? Oh, and that opening looks painful. My sides hurt just watching
What don't you care about exactly? That you are watching a walkthrough? Then why are you watching? And what opening are you talking about? Give some context, and no don't link me this walkthrough. It likely has commentary and I don't care for most walkthroughs that have commentary.
I don't care, that's all you need to know about. And I'm talking about after you choose your character. You don't need to be so jumpy about the technicalities. A lot of people don't want to know, so I'm being as vague as possible so not to spoil for others. And no, it doesn't have commentary, so you really shouldn't just assume that. This guy actually doesn't do much commentary at all, at least from what I've seen. In fact, I'm surprised that he's even doing this game. Although the one thing that annoys me is they don't skip over needless wild encounters or trainer battles.
Because I can, and now know an hour of details that you don't know of if you haven't seen a video of the game being played yet
Can this please stop being a reason people give for doing things? I'm fine with your other explanation, but this part is pointless. No shit you can.