So my New Years Eve Night..[And Christmas Holidays]

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Shuhbooty, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    Well, lets start from the beginning.

    I'm eating some ramen, when my mom gets this call form my daddy.

    *two hours later*

    I find out that my dad almost got layed off from work, and that he just might loss his job because of who the eco. is going.


    And then, I get this other call, to babysit from my uncle, as my parents, grandparents and my uncle and his wife go out to have fun tonight.
    So I'm sitting here, waiting and waiting for my ride to come, and my daddy come's home.
    And he brought dinner for the family, ect ect, right?
    And we find out that over this past week, his job laied off 250+ people, and like 5 of them where his best friends, that have families.

    *flashback to Christmas Eve*

    My dad stars crying... a grown man.. beings to ball his eyes out... because he thinks he's not good enough to support his family.
    And I'm just completly oblivious, and have no idea why [till my mom tells me later]

    *New years*

    So.. right now, I got back from my grandma's house, and she's drunk, but she tells me, that my dad is going into a depression.. and he's thinking that he's not good enough for us.... and I start crying.

    *Christmas Party*

    My dad left my Grandparents house early. He got upset, because he couldn't but what me and my sister's wanted.. he LEAVES because my grandparents got us better things then he did..

    To be honet.. I'm... I'm really scared on how this years gonna go.. and I don't have any real friends, besides my mother and sister... and this site..
    I'm not sure on what to do anymore.. *cries*
  2. Valium Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 11, 2007
    The front row

    First you need to tell your Dad that
    you couldn't have asked for a better father because a Father that
    cares as much as he does is the only thing you could want in a Dad.

    About the Job there isn't really anything YOU can do about it =/.
    Sorry i can't be more helpful.
  3. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    884 skittles

    Im very sorry to hear that, but I can try to help you with some advice..You can help your father with his depression and try to make him happy, Or get a job and help out the family. That's all I can think of

    Cheer up though, Things are BOUND to get better
  4. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    sorry to hear about all this ):
    The best thing to do would be to cheer up your Father. Try and tell him stuff along the lines of what Mr.Sprinkles said to raise his spirits. As for the job thing, I guess just try to help out however you can with that situation, which probably isn't much, but you can try anyways. As for the friends thing, you'll always have us here unless you leave. Even after that I'm sure you'd be able to make some wherever you are though. Hope things go better this year for you and you're family.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    That is a though situation....

    Skittles, I know you love your father....And it hurts him because he would love to supply everything to his children.

    Something similar is happening here with the recession and all.

    One day I needed new sneakers for a volleyball game....and of course Asics™ was the way to go but they costed above the 100 dollars....and my fathers paycheck wasn't coming in a few days. we left the store I looked at him and he told me he felt bad he couldn't get me the sneakers.

    I just told him (almost twiching) that it was okay because money was something secondary, and I wouldn't change my parents because They loved me and that was enough.

    Of course I died a bit inside for being corny....and I know love wont buy groceries...but it's more important.

    Try talking heart to heart to your dad...I'm sure it will make him feel a little better.
  6. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    See, I'm popular, but I don't have that one special' friend that I can tell things to.
    There just for show.. I guess. Everybody wants me..

    @ Chev.
    I see what your saying, also with Mr.Sprinkles.
    I told my dad on Christmas day that I loved what I got, I mean I really did, I got a 20 dollar movie who the **** wouldn't be happy, right?

    And then, we went to spend the gift cards we got from my uncle. He ALONE spent 100 dollars on me alone. D:
    And it wasen't much fun to watch my daddy twitch as I spoke of the presents.

    I've been wanting to get a job, but with everything the way it is.. it's tough.
  7. Ultimecia sorceress

    Aug 19, 2008
    my castle.
    Ahhhh sucks, but still that best friend might come. Ya never know.
  8. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    Yeah, there out there.

    I did have some.. but I kind moved.. and left then behind. :sweatdrop:
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I feel your sounds a lot like my life...don't give up you'll find a good friend somewhere.....
  10. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Well tell you couldn't care less what he buys you as long as he was thinking of you when he brought it and put some thought in to what you would like thats affordable. Tell him how you'd feel if he wasn't around. Remind him that if it wasn'tfor him, you wouldn't even exist, that you'd never have been born without him.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    You, your dad and mom need to sit down and talk. Your dad is depressed as you said, and he needs some convincing that you and your mom still love him and well, he's the guy that is there and money is not the only situation to think about. Tough times happen to everyone and unfortunately, many people are finding themselves unemployed lately. It sucks. He's not the only one and you need to tell him to get a stiff upper lip and that you are going to be there counting on him to keep his confidence in these tough times. Things may be tight for a while, but it's not his fault this is happening and so he has to keep fighting so that you and your mom keep going on too. Tell him that it's not the money that is as important as keeping the family together and trying to at least have some fun together. These bad times will pass. It's not what has to tear the family apart. It can bring you closer together too if he keeps his head about him.

    Perhaps ask your dad to try to fill out applications on such places as and to go to his local unemployment office and check out jobs there online etc. If he is laid off, he can always also go for unemployment while he waits to get a new job. He has to hang in there and keep his head up and he'll find something. It may not be as great a job, but it will be something and well, now is the time for people to not be too picky. Online applications do get responded to. Also, checking the unemployment office or wherever it is he can go to get unemployment at; they may have tons of jobs there that he may be able to do for a while. If nothing else, tell him to try out a temp agency such as Manpower and they might be able to help him get in the door elsewhere to more permanent work.

    In the end, just telling him that he's loved and still wanted may not be enough to help him get over his depression...and your mom definitely should not be drinking or else he may take that the wrong way too if she's not a regular drinker. He may be thinking he is bringing her so much stress too and just adds to the problem he thinks is there. Tell him that you guys can all cope with some loss in monetary things for a while and tighten the belts as long as the home life itself means something and that you can all enjoy your times together. You don't need him to be just the money-maker. He's there because he's your father and life would not be better without him there. He's not a failure. The economy is. So you have to ride that storm together.

    I do hope he will feel better and the rest of your family will. It's hard to go through economic hard times and lack of work, or not knowing if you will have a job tomorrow or not. He's feeling the pressure but the depression in itself won't help him plan for events and he needs to keep pride in himself and realize he's not a failure at all. This crap happens to the best of workers. I wish you and your family the best and do hope he will overcome this and your mom also will be more supportive and understanding too. If he can beat this depression, even if things get rough, you guys will be ok.
  12. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    ****, skits. Sorry to hear this...

    What i think you should do is maybe try and get a job to help with the money and stuff. It may only be a little, but it will be a bit easier to get by if you do. Other than that, just do what everyone else has suggested, and talk with him. Let him know that, no matter what, your always there for him, just like he is always there for you. It's only christmas so im sure you dont want him to be spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on you. Just talk things over with him. Its about the best thing you can do in this situation.
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    for now I guess all u can do is support him the most that u can. Try and encourage him. If he gets layed off then I guess that he'll just have to get a few new jobs till he can get a job that he can really stick with ya know.