She just handed me this absolutely ****ing beautiful MP3, a real cute one, and she was like "Here you go, I got this today" and I was like really wow because my mom never buys me anything and because it was a real nice one, and then right :/ she was like "So do you like it?" and I was like yeah it's awesome with a huge smile on my face, and she took it off me and says, "Oh good, I bought it for your neice today and knew if you liked it she would like it". ._. how cruel
If she's that mean, when she comes out with a Ps3 or something, say that it's an awful thing that thieves neither would steal it, and maybe she will give that to you. :D Sounded like a good idea when I first thought about it.
Moms sound mean to me. Then again idk. -_-' Sounds like your mum just owned you. You should dot he same. Get her something she'd love and ask if she likes it and then say it's for your friend.
My mum did that to me with a bionicle when I was seven, I think it was seven could of been eight or nine.