so many confession...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by CaptainMIG, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I'm not making fun of you (on purpose), I'm mostly joshing around. I'm not usually a serious guy :/
  2. CaptainMIG Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 4, 2011
    the wii u
    i know i was joshing. but seriously is there something wrong with my grammar?
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    W-wow. I didn't expect four pages to come out of this...
    But yay, I have a sandwich! Thank you, Mister Mean Man. *nom*

    In all seriousness though, your grammar (or lack thereof, rather) does sort of get annoying after a while. You're a high school graduate, right? Well, I would think you're twelve from the way you type...
  4. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    Basically this^

    It's not so much to be mean to you as it is trying to help you out. I find complete sentences are easier to read and digest. As such, it would make sense that people won't take you seriously if you're using such, for lack of a better word, 'ugly' sentences. It's okay every now and then, but even the most villainous minions on the internet use complete sentences; the one's I pay attention to anyway.

    That's only my personal opinion on the matter. Whether you decide to 'spruce' up your grammar a bit or not is solely your decision. It's not a rule to use proper grammar online, but it's recommended. I can't count the number of times I've seen, what would have been, the most brilliant of posts getting bashed for poor grammar.

    Really, it comes down to your own personal preferences. Whether you prefer to be taken seriously while using proper grammar or be the butt of the joke without.

    Sad as it is to say, I've even seen people bashing on people for grammar who are bad at it themselves. Like sometimes I'll see, "this guy isnt good at grammar is he. what a (blah blah blah) lol srsly geta life.' I actually get more infuriated seeing such responses. It's something I'd expect from a twelve year old (well not Misty, she's the exception to the rule).

    Sometimes the beauty of the content can be shrouded by the quality in which it's displayed. As people we strive for perfection. Any chance we get we shun those who are farther from it. That's the case in a lot of these situations. I personally would just rather see nicely decorated displays of thoughts in textual format.

    Think of it like a fireworks show. Exclaim your joy when the colors shine brightly. Question when the finale is coming. Periodically take a break to rest your eyes. And if it's a good show, they'll break every now and then to keep everything from mashing together.

    Poor example but it's July and all that.