I don't know about you guys but I'm going to be giving up horse. It's going to be tough though. /notsureifweirdnewsstoryhasmadeitacrossseas
The meat was from Romania, I heard some of it landed in France too (Findus). It wasn' t a mistake, they purposefully used horse meat as filler to improve their cut. I guess some people could be horrified by the thought that they ate horse but that' s pretty arbitrary, more importantly the horses they used weren' t necessarily healthy to eat.
Yeah, the main concern was the medicine they were fed was carcinogenic to humans. Of course it also means it's harder to trust food companies as how do we know what they say we are eating is what we are actually eating? I didn't care much for the story until I found out about the horse medicines. Cat... go do some work >:3 sit in the corner and be quiet with your silly jokes xD luv joo rly