They will promise not to do stupid things for each other. They will lie. They will get mad at each other for a lot of things. Very much mad. They will somehow stick together through thick and thin. That is Supernatural. ~A poem by Iskandar
Even as a Dean fan, I know this to be true. However 95% of the show's writers do not, and as such you can expect frustration and bouts of need for Cas that aren't fulfilled for a while (and then there was the great Cas-less season that lasted like 18 or 19 eps)
Every time I hear someone mention Supernatural I think of LaSofa impersonating CtR on Voxli. Fun times.
It is good, than it is great, than it ends like gold at the apocalypse, than you ignore the rest , but you can't even though it's trash you are just to deep into it.