playing with [my fluorescent glow in the dark bracelet thing from a party I was at the other night. So I'm bending it one way absent mindedly when suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE IT EXPLODES AND LIQUID SQUIRTS IN MY FACE ahflahf I'm kind of concerned over whether it was poisonous or not to be honest :v]
Oh that sucks. D8 Well the glow stick has chemicals in it... I got some on my skin once, but it didn't do anything to it. Just made it itch a bit. Try to wash it off the best you can, and don't get it in your eyes. D8
I got some on my skin during haloween and nothing happened. I'm sure you'll be fine, i decided to google it. It's an irritant but isn't toxic. You should be fine.
get a check up because those things have some seriously poisonous chemicals in them i.e. chemicals they put in nail polish remover.
IT MADE ROMANCE EXPLOSION ON YOUR FACE?!? ... HIGH FIVE! lawl@thread ~~~ Anyways... No, the liquid shit in a glow stick will not harm you. You can even dump it in your mouth, but it tastes horrible. BUT THEN YOUR MOUTH GLOWS! :B