Nope, I like Madoka. Also tried to take pictures but it was crowded so kinda tough any my phone's camera is a piece of crap. Spoiler Oh and some kh stuff. Spoiler So basically the whole time I was there I was shutupandtakemymoney.jpg
I need to get a job. That way, the next con I go to, I can go in rich and come out money poor, but cool stuff rich!
Did you happen to find some Madoka doujins there as well? The last convention I went to had loads of them.
This is one reason I don't go to cons. I'd probably buy so much useless crap with monies I need to put toward other stuff.
Yep, I went to his panel and saw the new abridged movie. Also we all sung Bohemian Rhapsody which was pretty awesome, I hope someone puts that on youtube soon.