Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2009.
A free cookie will be rewarded to the one who can guess my ringtone.
Erm,you don't have one yet?
idk lol what isssss it?
Yes I do xD Hint: It's from an anime (Because I am a ****** like that.)
Aw damn. I dunno anything about anime. :/ I give up xDD
is it a them song to a anima?
The Tokyo Mew Mew opening song.
No, it is not.
"Sanctuary" (KH2) or "Simple and Clean"? (KH)
Hint: It is NOT an opening to an anime, and the anime starts with a D.
Zetsubou Billy?
Hint: The anime is Death Note. If you can guess what scene is my ringtone, you win a cookie.
Kira's laugh.