I haven't been here in a while, [Well, posted in a while] because I've been working and establishing a little life for myself since KHV won't always be there for me in the future. Some-odd weeks ago my English class starts the new requirement for the graduating class: the Senior project. Which includes an eight page research paper, a product on the topic of your research paper, and a presentation to it all to a panel of judges your senior year. I was a little stressed at first for what my topic was gonna be about, but then I decided on tattooing, since I didn't know much about it. Some people that I worked with for my paper were like :/gasp: at the thought of me doing tattooing as a topic; as for the reputation of drugs and such from rumors and so on. After a wide and lengthy research paper, I started thinking: Hey, it would be pretty awesome to become a tattoo artist. I know the pros and cons of a tattoo and how to do it, but I'd need hands-on and of course schooling on sterilization and such. But I could still do it. and so, I started looking up and telling people my interest in tattoo artistry. Where I come to my point: my family doesn't really like the idea of me being a tattoo artist. D: My immediate family, like my Mom and Dad understand that I'm independent, an can make my own choices. They support me. But my Aunts and Uncles don't really fancy the idea. They think it rather unethical. So, I ask you KHV. Do you see me being a tattoo artist in th future? D:
Your art is very detailed and colorful, I think you would be an AMAZING tattoo artist. I would go to wherever you are to get a tattoo from you :>
Yeeeeeeeees, a supporter. -punches air- My Dad actually really likes the idea of my being a tattoo artist, for the same reason. He says I could practice on him if I wanted to. xD
Ok, so I want this http://www.tattoojohnny.com/product...00373,HSF-00377,GRF-00124,GRF-00126,JSF-00051, with my birthdate under it, on my left leg. Work your magic.
It really doesn't matter what your aunts and uncles think. It's your life, it shouldn't be any of their business what you do with it. Unless you were doing drugs, in which case I would have to go to wherever you are and b*tchslap you myself. c:
If you have the cash, I'll... make it last? I dunno, I was trying to rhyme. Well yeah, I understand that. But I'd like their support for me when it's time for me to go off onto college and stuff. I'd rather not leave my hometown with my family saying I was a burden to them and that they hate me for what I do.
Babe, you have two proud and supportive family members, and that's more than some people ever have. It's an awesome profession that'll give you the chance to meet some really interesting people. You have the talent, you have the drive, and you have entry-level knowledge and the opportunity to learn more. I say go for it. If I ever decide to get a tat, you can bet I'd ride on up to see you. :3
Ultimately, how successful and happy you are is going to be up to you. I say follow your dreams and such, but be realistic about it and pace yourself. Ask yourself if it's something you really want to do, and have a backup plan. Seems like you've already done some research on it and I encourage that. c: I'm pretty sure your other family will come around if you get out there and achieve your goals, which is something very few actually accomplish in life. That alone should get you some respect. So long as you're happy doing what you're doing, and are making a living out of something. So I say, awesome and good luck. ;D
I'd trust you to give me my tattoos<3 But only the basic ones, unless I don't get my bigger, more complicated ones for several years xD