I named him Reginald, we like to play hide n' seek. If I find Reggie, imma beat the living **** out of him. I always win. Always.
Mount his head upon a toothpick and stick it near the mouse holes as a warning to any others who dare enter your domain.
Taxidermy him, then mount his bodiless, taxidermy-ed head on a toothpick as a warning to any tohers who dare to enter your domain. And use his headless, taxidermy-ed body as a paper weight.
I have one that visits the underside of my bed. Stupid little ****er died in a mouse hole after chewing up my iPhone charger >:3
Oh, you have Reginald? I have a family living here. The one in the kitchen is the girl mouse that likes to cook, and steal my food. the one in my room is the boy mouse that likes to hide when I go inside, I see him run a lot. He's probably an athlete. The one in my parent's room is the younger boy mouse that likes looking at the HD television we have. The two mice that live downstairs in almost every room are the parents. Finally, the big one that died the other day because of poison was grandpa rat. He should've seen it coming the moment we left blue packets near his lair.