1. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. 2. Green Catastrophe: If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. 3. Reality Shatter: Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, many if not all of the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you may only see a green dot rotating.
Oh God, I saw so many things like this last school year. I'm an art student, and I had to take a Color course in the Fall semester, and the professor would show us so many color-caused optical illusions like this.
Wellll... Not exactly. Pink, or rather what most people refer to as magenta, doesn't exist as a ray of light. There are light rays for every color of the rainbow... but hook these up to a color wheel, and there's a piece missing. There's no transitory color between red and purple - not in the visible spectrum, anyway. So when our eyes observe something that would have that color, it appears to us as magenta. The color is a mix of red and blue light, but you can also derive it from white light by removing the green, so it could be called minus-green. Which is probably how this optical illusion works. You could say it doesn't exist at all, but the color does appear in nature - it's just that it is largely interpreted by our minds. It's still a product of light rays, it just doesn't have its own. Which is why magenta is one of my favorite colors. :3 You keep saying it like it's derogatory, but I find some fucking funny things on that site If it's funny I save it, and if I've saved it I use it Same with 4chong except I never go on there anymore
it's not exactly derogatory, i get a lot of stuff off of tumblr and 4chan as well (but tumblr gets a lot of its jokes from 4chan anyways) but sometimes i feel like it keeps people from making their own original content when everybody's just regurgitating the same jokes for a month until it wears off the way i see it, tumblr kills jokes as swiftly as those jokes are born
I mean the internet kills jokes as swiftly as they're born and before that we had TV and radio and plain old word of mouth Sites like those may accelerate the entropy but they also open the door for more jokes to be made You just gotta work the flo' kna mean?