I suggest buying some games. Have you at least played Birth By Sleep? I need one, too, but I never get around to buying one. Also: I remember when you couldn't write a post that was readable. You have come a long way.
Barely touch my PSP anymore, it has custom firmware on it but i've played all the games I really want to. try the 3rd Birthday parasite Eve game.
Agreed. It's not even illegal to mod it. All it'll do is void your warranty and if you bought it used, there's no warranty to void. And if you get bored with commercial games, there's a free homebrew collection that's probably bigger than the entire commercial PSP library. My absolute favorite homebrew game is: http://psp.dashhacks.com/downloads/tetriabetes-150b3-cfw
Also came along the PSP. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES. THE BATTERY HAS JUST DIED. *Starts to charge it* *Goes back playing*
All the aforementioned, especially Birth by Sleep and Dissidia. And then get Loco Roco http://www.locoroco.com/pc/index.php Do it now!