ya your pretty cool, you didn't get a recently-released console which you should be able to play cool games like KH and KH2 on but you can't because the company which makes the console is stupid. So +1 coolness to you.
telling the truth is always the better thing to do you know. ^this^ enjoy the red ring paying for xbl new maps that cost 800 MS points laggy online play in fact you could have gone with the arcade back when it was cheap as hell then wait for a year get the wireless n adapter have a fast connection on a sys. you got for the same cost of a wii and not have to deal with the fact that you paid for a black pro with some extra mem. if they are still selling the elite w/120GB in fact they will probably downgrade to 60 GB soon if they haven't already the only good thing about your discussion is that the games you will buy include the orange box halo 3 and halo reach(in September)(or may for the beta) you will laugh every time you see the title halo wars mw2 (if your into that) yea i could go on but ya know no one is gonna read all of this i mean its the spam zone so enjoy your xbox 360 and please do not have a gamer tag like XxXx(x'x r kool)xx
I don't know why you would, I've had mine since it first came out and I've never gotten a red ring, it works perfectly. I don't know much about all of this stuff, so whatever.
shiiit man, why deh call it 360? fuck that shit i don't want to do no geometry on mah console shiiit that ain't ballin. Now dat ps trippal be ballin cause its slick black and shit. At least you ain't get no dumbass wii with a controller dat look like a DEAL DOUGH.
QFT. I used to like the 360; then I actually started using my PS3. Now I wonder why I ever got the stupid thing. I feel like I'm being yanked along on a leash when I deal with Microsoft. All of the games I play are obviously meant to be purchased for PS3, because the 360 crowd on Live is nothing but black guys high off their asses, which grates on the nerves when you're actually trying to play seriously. And the damn thing has now red-ringed TWICE. Even after we decided to do the fix-it-yourself solution that voids the warranty (No we didn't wrap a towel around it ya neanderthals). Now, my policy is to only buy games for 360 that are cross-platform and stated to run better on 360 (e.g., Bayonetta) or that I'd want to play with my friends, since they all have one. And I'm even considering buying a few of those games again for PS3 and leaving my 360 copies on a high shelf. Oh, you will. You will.
Guiz 360 does not equal red ring of fire most of the tiem. Doesn't ps3 get like yellow light of death or something?