Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by NYAN CAT =^_^=, Aug 4, 2012.
^^You like it :3
No, I don't. To be honest, I hardly like any dyed hair.
I think it really brings out your eyes, I like it.
Spoiler I think it's cute, honestly.
Ooh, that looks nice. I love it <3
Myspace angle why.
it brings out your beuty
Nostalgia fapping for her followers? My assumption.
What. ?
It's quite cute, I must say :3 What was your original hair colour? 0:
Dirty Blond. Dont comment >.< Atleast thats what my mon said.
So anime desu. But in all seriousness it looks very pretty. Lovely choice, miss!
Reminds me of my older sister she has her hair just like that.........
Why would you take fashion advice from a Pikachu?
I meant to type 'mom'. I apologize.
I was trying to be funny. >_>
Yea I know. ^_^ I just felt the need to correct myself. But I caught your reference :3