I seriously forgotten why its my 2nd favorite FF game (IV being my favorite) I know a lot of people say it doesn't live up today, but I reject that, I still think it holds up today just as OOT does and the first KH. All of these games changed how we know games, I say they live forever.
Even more overrated because if you download it for PS3 you have to go buy some $15 piece of **** for your PS3 so you can save your game and they don't sell it in any store I've ever ****ing been to.
When did KHV turn hipster? I said FFVII is not my favorite FF, IV is. I just felt like downloading it, nothing wrong with that, who gives too shits if its overrated? I kind of think KHII is overrated.
Its not the best, and I am going to say, no matter what you do, Sephiroth is a mama's boy, if we're talking FF villains here, its either Golbez or Kefka, those two could show mama's boy what its like to be a true villain.
he may be a mama's boy, but you go ahead and live the life he did. I'm sure you'll do a lot better. Still you can't deny that he's still strong. Still, I can understand you liking IV as well. Although, I've never played VII, while I have played IV, so I don't know how it rates to my standards yet
How exactly do you calculate this record? Because of popularity? A franchise name and advertising are what decide a game's quality, then. Oh, pity me...
Final Fantasy. Four heroes, all nameless, embark on a seemingly simple quest to save a princess. In doing so, they are drawn into a chain of events leading to a conflict that will determine the fate of the world. It turns out that they are stuck in a time loop. In order to end the loop, the heroes must defeat the god Chaos, who was originally the renegade knight who kidnapped the princess in the first place. During their travels to this point our heroes uncover the ancient airship technology of the Lufenians, learn a lost language from an eccentric genius, and gain the trust and respect of Bahamut, king of the dragons. Yeah, Final Fantasy VII is totally better than that. An emo guy runs around with some terrorists, a cat/wolf/dog/lion thing and a stuffed animal, stops a meteor from destroying the planet, and kills a shirtless angel dude. Yeah. Garland/Chaos. 'Nuff said.
I like IX personally. i know a lot of people didnt like it, but i dont know why. the main character actually had character, not like the mostly expressionless characters of VII and VIII (no offense intended, theyre great games) and the story was solid. the music was pretty great too.