So how 'bout that Supernatural season 8 premiere

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Finn the Human, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Finn the Human Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 1, 2012
    The land of Ooo
    How 'bout it

    Dat **** cray
  2. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I dunno why, but I was actually kinda surprised by how gory it was O_O
  3. Finn the Human Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 1, 2012
    The land of Ooo
    I was surprised by the major change in Dean's character
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I already like Benny. Kevin gained several cool points. Sucks for his girlfriend, though. I want more Purgatory hunting scenes.
    Really, Supernatural? One brother dies and goes to an afterlife and the other brother quits hunting and settles down only to find the other brother reappear after a year? You already did that.

    The guy just spent a year fighting for his life in a dimension filled with nothing but monsters. He's so surprised that he's not there anymore that he was amazed by a vending machine. Of course, a year there would do something like that. Though it seems to be a play similar to the first season with Dean being the gung ho hunter and Sam being the reluctant one leaving a normal life behind.
  5. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    I think Dean became somewhat like a "monster" he lost his plesure to eat hamburguers, but his hunger is not gone, it seems that he nows thinks kids are pretty tasty!
    He is a human alright, as only a human could escape purgatory, but so much time in there, and to bear the soul of some monster for such time must have made some work on him.
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I couldn't watch it because my cable company took away chanel 11 T_T
    Buying it on Itunes right now XD (Dear Lord between buying this and Vampire Diaries, I'm going to be broke...)
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Did we watch that episode? Dean looked like he jizzed when he hate that burger. It's not so much that he's a monster, but he's a lot more of a "hardened warrior," as the directors of the show put it.
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    The fact that he was just so happy to eat a hamburger and spooked by a vending machine while also showing how jumpy he is really shows that it's going to take a while for the adjustment period to end. I like him being friends with a monster though. Monsters are always killed in the end, even the ones that had good so hopefully that doesn't happen again because he's so smooth.

    Watching Sam is just weird though, like everything about how he is like now just feels wrong. I know he's always been the brother to want a normal life but he still seems off, for lack of a better term.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Considering Supernatural's trend of killing off recurring characters, I don't plan on Benny lasting through the season. I'm sure, as a vampire, he will be hunted. I know Garth is confirmed to be in this season; I can see those two having a show-ff with either Garth or Benny killing the other...though I also don't think that would fit Garth's character well. Upon meeting Benny: "A good vampire? Cooooooll." Still, I'm sure Sam will be more accepting of Benny than Dean has been in the past of 'good' monsters, considering Sam's personality. I feel like Benny will most likely not be able to resist his instincts and hunger (though I wonder if, as a revived vamp, he can stomach Dead Man's Blood. Might explain why he was at a funeral if that's how he gets his fix). I feel like vampires get favorable treatment over other monsters when it comes to the "not all monsters are bad" philosophy. So maybe it'll go down as another hunter not believing Benny can be a good guy and hunting him (and Benny dies or kills the hunter and then becomes a legitimate threat) and/or Benny will start feeding on live humans, most likely before being hunted.

    About Sam, I've been looking at some reviews and, though a lot of people really don't like how easily he settled without Dean, someone pointed out the psychology of it: Sam was truly alone. Meg and Kevin were taken, Dean and Castiel disappeared with no clue whatsoever of where they went (remember, Sam didn't know that they went to Purgatory), Bobby was gone, the Roadhouse people and John have been dead for a couple of years (and several seasons). Sam had no place to legitimately start to piece everything together. So his mind was probably a mess and when he hit that dog and met the vet, he latched on that anchor of a normal life and held on to it, probably more than he should have, but he held on tightly nonetheless. My biggest problem is that there are still Leviathans out there and Sam should have been hunting those down (though it would be really difficult by himself) so they wouldn't regroup. Then again, maybe he intended to before finding Amelia and Riot (what the dog will be called later on, according to the wiki) and the chance of a normal life coupled with all of the stress he must be feeling overwhelmed his desire to hunt.
  10. Finn the Human Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 1, 2012
    The land of Ooo
    It seems to me like a slow transition to future dean, from 2014. Same with Cas, I feel like this is going to end in those characters.
    Well, considering the route the show has taken with Sam's personality lately, I feel like it was really obvious that he'd be like that about Dean and such. His character has gotten extremely apathetic toward the horrifying occurrences that happen to follow the Winchesters around over the course of seasons six and seven, so to me it was kind of easy to understand that he'd be that way, though I don't much like it. i feel like he should have at least tried to find Dean, considering, Dean could've been anywhere, what if he wasn't in purgatory? What if he was somewhere that Sam could have easily saved him? he wasn't, but Sam could've put forth the effort.

    Also, didn't it say in season 7 about the leviathans, "Cut off the head and the body will flounder..."? I'm assuming the rest of the Leviathans died or went back to purgatory when Dick was killed.

    EDIT: Here's a sixteen second CHCH promo for episode 2, it's better than the CW one I think
  11. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    I think he was faking happiness when eating the burger.. If you watch closely he never eats in this episode of his on will, is like he is hungry but everything he sees "isn't eatiable" seems like that guy that was shifithing into a Unguru (was a unguru? no, Rugaru! I Found it! ). He was hungry, tried to eat all kind of things but nothing could fill his desire of human flesh, he even tries to eat raw meat (The Rugaru, not Dean).

    When I saw that episode, and then saw him on the veding machine was like he wasnt seeing food in there, but he looks changed when he saw the kids.