How do you stop being a timd as **** person? Cause I need some assistance with that. Need to crack out of my shell man.
No way man. I would feel dumb if I tried to act like a fictional character. I think I have already tried that in the past and it only made me feel ashamed. I cant act like another person. Because that person aint me. I dont know what I want to be tho. When I see someone I feel like greeting them and shiz but something holds me back. I knew there would be you ninkenpoops. we can be timid together just not too close
You don't have to pretend to be a fictional character. Just try to think about what a confident person would do in situations with which you are faced, act on it, and eventually you will become that person. As the saying goes: "fake it til you make it".
If you're like me and 'fake it till ya make it' doesn't really work out for you, what I usually try to do is tell myself "I will do __________" or "Next time in class I will say something about _________ at least once." Coming into your own takes baby steps and isn't a process that starts and ends all at once; you have to keep putting effort into it, and doing small things like that, in my experience thus far, do add up to building more confidence over time.
When you think you're about to do a timid thing, do what you think would be the opposite. Like, say someone wants to take your chair that you're currently sitting in. The timid choice (I think) would be to simply give that person your chair, with no questioning or objection. Opposite to that would be asking why they want your chair, seeing if you agree with their argument, and if you don't, not moving from your chair. Not being timid =/= Being a ******, just remember.
My advice? Start hoarding your shits. God that sounds awful.... Just don't a give a **** about what people think of the things you say.
What a confident person would do? Well, I imagine someone giving a thumbs up while winking and smiling and saying "LEAVE IT TO ME!". But I think I would melt if I were to say that to someone. Punching. Another symptom found in the ladies when close to the ratster. Asking why they want my chair? Hell naw man. People are jerks. Im not gonna argue with a jerk. I bear my fangs easily, you see. I already give a **** about what people think of the things I say. I care so much that I sound awkward if I ask someone what time it is. Actually, I act too nice. And awkward. ****. I suck at being social. I will never have a gf.
Watch Gurren Lagann. Observe people, plan your first moves and don't talk yourself out of your plan, talk to a confident/well liked person with the objective of holding a conversation.