...and my (original) DS charger decides to stop working. I drained my DS with Scrtibblenauts, does anyone know where I could get an origional DS (not lite or DSi) charger? GBA SP ones work too.
it's a USB charger but you obviously have a computer. how else would you post? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7772476&type=product&id=1142289337163
What? It's a charger that plugs into an electrical socket in the wall. A USB charger would be usefull though... Random Question: Do I need to have the comupter on to charge the DS? Here's a pic: Spoiler As you can see, it plugs into the wall. Spoiler My DS.
This: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7080192 Totally worth the extra stuff. Has DS, DS Lite, PSP, and Gameboy SP chargers. Has saved me in many sticky situations. Can be used in the wall and the car.
Got any locally owned game stores, something other than a Gamestop? They'd have it there. Loads of those kinds of stores specialize in the older stuff (had to go to one near me for a PSone memory card). I haven't seen an SP charger in a long while, even at Gamestop, unless you get it used.