Yaay for six degrees of separation! Speaking of which, Edward Norton... went to my rival high school. Grrr.
That's cool. I did enjoy the Cirque du Freak series. And a Republican senator went to my high school. FUN.
Cirque du Freak was pretty cool when I was younger, but I reread it now and I feel like I'm a bit old for it.
All I remember is seeing the movie and kinda liking it then deciding I gave it too much credit and mostly remembering it for getting me addicted to saying whatcha got for me? also that scene where the bad guy's surrounded by gremlin people and shouts I HAVE RE-TURNED! Also for starring John C. Reilly who is raw as shit DID YOU KNOW HE ALSO PLAYED WRECK-IT RALPH?
you are the only person who knew that. thanks for revealing one of the great secrets of the universe. no longer will the identity wreck-it ralph's voice actor haunt my dreams, because now i know it was john c. reilly.
Hey man how many people actually look up the cast list or pay attention to the posters of Disney films