So Confused DX

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Garxena, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    There are a lot of problems that I have in my life, but I'm only going to ask for help on two.

    1) I want to tell my parents that I'm Bi, but I have no clue how to. I tried talking to my mom about it a year or so ago but she said that no one knows who they are until they're at least 21. Now, I didn't really 'come out of the closet' at that point, that was just her answer to the question 'what would your reaction be if one of your kids was gay or lesbian or bi?' My dad doesn't exactly think kindly of us rainbow proud people, so I'm really nervous to tell him. I wanted to come out on my 16th birthday (which is this year) but I've changed my mind because of what my mom had said to me. I don't know if I should tell them at all. Even if I do, they won't take it seriously unless I come home with a girl. And I only want to do that as an absolute last resort.

    2) I think I may be losing it. I really want to just jump off a cliff right now. I can't see how anything in my life is going to get better. I recently moved to Utah from California. San Jose is all I've ever known. My two best friends are there (one for 11 years and one for 9). I feel so alone here. To make the easiest connection to relate to for those of you who don't understand how I'm feeling, I feel like Bella did when Edward left her. Sure, there are times when I can cover up my sadness, forget the lonliness for a moment, but it all comes back when I'm lying in bed at the end of the day. I don't think I'll ever be able to feel whole again....
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Actually, there is some sense in what your mom says. A lot of teenagers get a little confused with their sexuality because they're 'experiencing the female in a new way,' and a lot of them mistake that for being bi or something. But that's not always the case. (please don't take offense; I wasn't challenging your sexuality or anything) I say tell them whenever you're ready to. If you're nervous about it, you're probably not ready.

    I can't say I can relate to your moving, but I do send you my sympathies.
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I've only told my friends about the first problem. I kinda started to figure out that I was Bi in fourth grade. Of course, I didn't really understand what I was feeling then.

    I'm more worried about what my dad will say than my mom. He's the one who's religious about that kind of stuff. He doesn't say too much because he knows it bothers me, but I have a feeling he won't take too kindly to my little secret.
  4. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    1) Just tell your parents... who gives a rats ass if they disown you... because thats all they can do to you. and your mom, if she like my mom, she would be happy if your happy. Your dad on the other hand, if he's the type to hit you call child protective services. They would believe you, he cant talk his way out of it. NEVER threaten him by telling him you'll call them, thats just stupid. Just call.

    oh by the way, if you can't take your parents yelling at you... just commit suicide.

    2a) Just keep in touch with your old friends but keep the new one. Oh and if you really want to kill yourself make sure you record it and do a flip . I'm sure everyone wouldn't care...
    You can stop thinking of yourself. you're not the only one who had to leave friends. Why would you think of suicide in the first place? do you know how it feels to loose someone close you?...idiot.

    uhg... w/e
  5. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I think your mum already suspects you of being bi, after all, when you asked her that question (which could have just been an innocent quetion), she connected it to you as her child by saying nobody knows until they are 21, which you aren't yet. So if you told her I'm sure she wouldn't be that suprised.

    Your dad.. he's still your dad, so even if he did disown you at first, eventually he would see that your still the same person, regardless of your sexuality. It might take months, years even, but eventually he would accept you for what you are.

    Your other option is to keep it a secret, just from your parents. That way you'll never have to go through the hassle of teling them. Or a good thing to do is not to make a fuss about it, act like its natural, then one day when you have a partner, say of the same sex, bring them home to meet your parents and if your parents make an uproar about it turn the tables on them and say what, are you homophobic or something? Acting like being bisexual is a huge thing could make it worse for you. After all, its natural for you, right?

    The moving thing - I moved once, even though I was only ten, I was devestated to leave my friends behind. However we kept in touch and I tried to make new friends, which failed at first, then eventually I had good friends to stand beside me. After a while I no longer wrote to my old friends; they and i were ready to move on. You can't live in the past forever, you have to make the most of what you've got.

    Please don't do anything drastic like commit suicide. You've got the gift of a healthy life, family which im sure love you (well your mum at least), and taking something as beautiful as life away is a crime.

    Sorry if my advice sucks..
  6. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Thank you all for your help. I'll keep all your advice in mind.
  7. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I can't believe how intelligent I sound in my last post.

    If you need anymore help, just ask, Riku_Gaara. Pm me if you like.
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Looks like I'll have to add your name to my emergency list with Last of the Organization, DestinyStar, and Princess_of_hearts. ^^ Thanks again.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    NOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T JUMP OFF THE CLIFF!!! T^T.........IF YOU DO YOU, YOUR CLOTHES WILL RIP!!! xD....I'm joking...but really, don't jump off the cliff, or else Eva and I will pull you to safety and start strangling you...
  10. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    OMG. DOn't fall off the cliff. Even though you feel really lonely, suggest to you're mom to go back to San Jose, even for 1 day. That way, you release the tension, and get to see you're friends again. It'll help. Trust me. I had the nagging feeling about going back to where i used to live until i went there again. It makes you feel much better.
  11. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    This thread was made two months ago. I doubt she's going to do it now. And I doubt she still has this problem.
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Actually, I do. It's more numb than pain, though. I spent lunch crying in a bathroom stall the other day. After that, I've just kind of given up on feeling anything...
  13. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    Do not kill yourself. Look at life this way; Your life can suck a lot, but somewhere you have helped out someone elses life. And if you didn't help them out they may never be where they are today, even a laugh helped someone out. But you may feel like no one has helped you in a great way, but it will come and it will effect your future, so ending it will ruin others lifes and they will never get over it.

    Lifes a garden, dig it