And apparently it's this weekend. Funny considering I did not audition and got my lines on Friday. :l I hate doing things for friends.
They obviously saw your talent and decided that you had to be a part of the the play. What kind of role is it?
It's in a one act play written by my friend, based off a friend of hers. I do not have acting abilities. ;; dat typo
Most excellent, of course the part is written for a girl. That won't be a problem, right? Also, you'll have to get to New York by tomorrow as that's rehearsal.
One Act play? Let me guess, it's set in the present day and comments on some subject like racism or gay feelings or something like that? I could give you a play of mine if you'd like. Three characters, you'd have to be the only female of course, and she's a right biatch. That's be more interesting.
I like them Juno Austen plays... they are so lively. :) but have fun with the play? LOL or aare you going to back out?
It's about FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS and is set in the future That sounds perfect ;; >; bby y u wound me so
Oh god, not a 'What would life be like' type thing where they see their future selves? Biatchs are call to play as. Especially since she starts to verbally abuse an old man. Talk about low blow.