And I only have 9 credits left to pass High School, giving me 2 free periods to study. Never been so proud of myself. This is a big thing for me since I'm terrible at turning in homework.
Good for you. Hard work always pays off. Now if I could only complete my one booklet I need to do so I can graduate
Congrats. I was in a similar boat senior year, I was able to leave a period early and do a sort of internship with a teacher. Good stuff, probably part of what kept me sane through an otherwise... uhm horrific to put it lightly, year. P: Have fun.
Well done! I have work I need to do for tomorrow but am currently feeling lazy. I do always feel better after doing loads of work as it makes me feel better about myself. I love subjects when I can do them.
Now you just need to make sure you use that study period wisely. You don't want to find out that you didn't get those remaining 9 credits because you wasted time. (hope I didn't just jinx it for you) Let us know when you get out of Highschool so all of us out of highschool and not in college yet can go party
Don't really understand the situation (didn't put any thought into it at all) but congrats for your whatever. All I know is that I only have a couple moths left and that I'm kicking myself for not doubling up on a science last year, and then when this is done it's time for..... something, I don't know yet.