Anybody else seen the trailer for this yet? If not, check it out below. I must admit when I first heard about this I thought "Welp. My childhood image of Snow White is forever ruined.Will not like this movie" etc. But then I saw the trailer and my thoughts slightly changed. I like choice of Chris Hemsworth being in the movie, unsure about Kristen Stewart though. [video=youtube;VY67V0wOlz8][/video] Set for release on June 1, 2012 in the United States, hopefully. So yeah. Thoughts? etc.
There' s another Snow White movie in the works, set for release March 2012, "Mirror mirror" : [video=youtube;gccWbMTrgO4][/video] I' m more interested in "Snow White an the Huntsman", which is no small feat for a movie featuring Kristen Stewart.
Embedding is disabled. As for the film, I kind of have trouble seeing Kristen Stewart as "The fairest in the land." But to be fair, the scenes do look interesting. But that alone does not make a film. Definitely a dark turn on the fairy tale, but I can't give full thoughts until I've see the entire film.