if you care at all about politics or know whats been going on, watch this its a scream http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/palin-hillary-open/656281/ this raises the question, does this insult Sarah Pahlen or Hilary Clinton or make promote them?
I thought it was funny. xD. I think it made Hillary though look better than Palin because though Hillary has her faults that were amusingly portrayed, she still has brains and conviction and well, it does point out the truth that Hillary actually did fight and do a ton of work and is now royally in debt by her campaign fight. Sarah Palin did nothing but be a soccer mom in Alaska who spouts of credentials she doesn't have. Palin is nothing but annoying as a Creationist, conservative person that doesn't want people judging her family but she's so willing to tell others how to run theirs. I don't really like either woman but can say that there was only so much that could be said on Hillary when comparing her to Palin. Which brings me to the point on why are some women voting for Palin when Hillary's platform is -nothing- like Palin's at all? Really, the bias is on both sides of the fence with some people being chauvinistic but also some people being extremely feminist and nothing is mattering other than the fact both women are in fact...women. Sad. That is the truly fun part of this skit is that it points that out.
Ahh yes, one of L's famous long posts. Indeed this skit was amusing. Both Candidates chose the vp they needed: Obama chose a greyhead with experence, and McCaine chose a women from a state nobody usualy pays atention to.