Implemented Small Suggestion

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Jordier0xs0x, Nov 25, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007

    Well, In the Movies and Media section you can post movies/shows you have watched or want to watch. When you post these you usually say 'This was a good movie, Has anyone else seen this or want to see this?' or something along those lines so you don't spoil the movie/show. To me It kind of feels dumb just to say that and then people posting and saying 'Yeah Ive seen It' or 'I want to see It' and really your getting free posts for just saying that.
    Anyway, I was thinking maybe we should have a 'Movie Review' chart or something so If you don't want to just post 'Who has seen this movie/show or wants to see It' you can tell the people a bit about the movie, maybe It wont help with the people who hasn't seen the movie/show but It would probably make a bit more of a discussion about the movie/show, because most threads I see just say 'Yeah I want to see It' or 'Yeah Ive seen it' and then Its dead the next day with no discussion about It.
    So I was thinking we could have a sticked thread with the chart In Movies and Media so you could just copy and paste It In your new thread. If people think this Is a good Idea we could make the chart In this thread.

    If you don't really understand what i mean by a 'Movie Review' Chart, heres an Example:

    Story (A small summary about the movie/show):
    Favorite Part:
    Least Favorite Part:
    Rating (Out of 10):

    Or something like that. Of course It would mean Spoilers but you could just put *Spoilers* In the title so people know you've put the chart.

    This suggestion Isn't really needed, but It would stop people from getting free posts by (not spamming because they are answering the question you put) just saying a couple of words and then there's no Discussion about the actual movie/show.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    That's a good suggestion and yeah, if spoilers are going to be spoken about, someone should put 'Spoilers" as a warning so people know. If we did something like a movie review it would almost be like IMDB.
  3. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    thats true - i agree with you there
  4. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    I'm a little iffy on this.

    I don't really see that we have an urgent need for it, but it could be OK to have.
    I'll let this stay open for quite a while and see what others think.
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    There hasn't really been any real discussion in the Movie section since the Summer when PoTC3 and Spiderman 3 came out, so the section has slowed down a bit. Plus i don't think there aren't any highly anticipated movies out any time soon.

    I'm not against this, i suppose it's a nice idea that may become popular in time.

    (I would like to point out that members should be posting six words per post out with the spam zone.)
  6. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    I kinda agree with you ...
    well i never really post there but if it would help organize the forum you have my okay xD
  7. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I don't see the harm in having a little harm in having a sticky explaining what sort of thing to post.. :3

    But on the topic of short replies in M&M.. nubs will be nubs and you can't get away from posts that don't meet your own standards. Personally, I don't see it as post-whoring.

    I still like the idea, though.
  8. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    The idea doesn't sound bad...having reviews, that would be make the post longer. However, I'm not exactly sure how this would invoke longer discussions...but still, it doesn't sound like it'd harm the movie section, so you have my support. :)
  9. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Awesome Idea Jordie =D
    I think it would be nice to have this so that it may lead future posts to a more organized shape rather than the 'I liek this movie!!11!1!!!' that is constanly posted in there.
  10. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm for it.

    Stickying it shouldn't be a problem, and the person that made the thread can update it themselves.
  11. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    I for one, am against it.

    Who really cares? They're sharing their opinion. I'm not going for those who only say "Yeah i wanna watch it". Usually they leave a comment or two after it, which keeps the thread going.

    But majority rules eh?
  12. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    I agree with you there, they do usually post a comment after It, although It doesn't really start a discussion, which Is basically what the thread Is for, discussing about the movie/show.

    Good point though.
  13. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Approved and thread made :3

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