So this little game has been floating around the internet a lot this week and wondered if anyone else has played it. (video contains language) [video=youtube;EK-p_Fuo47Y][/video]
yeah scared the Sh*t out of me but i played it at 1 am so I had a good reason the scream like a little girl
Hah! I was watching PewDiePie play this earlier today. I honestly have to say I could never play this. Ever. And I heard it's based off some horror story. About children, little girls, being chased down by the Slender Man. In the game, the more notes you get, the more you know about Slender Man, and the more you know about him, the more he wants to get you. The goal is to get the 8 notes, and escape him. The pattern is irregular where the notes are, and after the first 4 notes you get, don't ever look behind you. Because he will be there.
Someone from the BCL Forums (great site btw) has the impression that Slender was inspired by a game called "Hide". A game where you go looking for notes. [video=youtube;ARWpBmgP0RQ][/video]
Played it myself. Honestly, the most nerve-racking interactive experience I've ever played. Its so minimalistic, which is exactly what makes it so horrifying, and I'd been imagining a Slenderman game done right for so long, its really nice to see. I love watching people's reactions while playing it too.
Saw videos of it several days ago. On that same day I saw it beaten. Spoiler You get Slendered if you win but at least the credits roll. As for the sudden "endings", it's pretty safe to say that this female character doesn't die. The game seems to be set in the Marble Hornets universe(quite a few hints to it) given the locations you see. I'm not going to believe it if the one who created this says he/she didn't watch Marble Hornets. That building you see looks like the burnt down hospital(though this one doesn't looked burnt down so...>>) seen constantly in the series and that tunnel...that's just largely reminiscent of a certain tunnel seen in Marble Hornets. >> Then there's the whole static thing. Anyways, the game is freaky. I'd play it if I didn't already know how it'd turn out...which isn't hard to figure out considering what we're dealing with. *Cough*Operator*Cough*
This, minus the scariest game ever bit. Silent Hill 2 is still far scarier in my book. That sh*t sticks with you. "Show, don't tell" policies like Slender and Amnesia can make horror absolutely amazing. It's one of the best genres too and a big seller, so why aren't we getting more that don't involve weapons? Also, TOM reviewed this on Toonami, so I haaaaaad to play it.