OH MY F- ASLFNMJDSANMFEJSA ... There, now that my moment of brain stupid is over... The Giants are bad enough, but added in with the master difficulty, oh man they are about as strong as Alduin is, specially since i barely managed to take one down, only being a level 4 - 5, strict mage only high elf, its like Alduin's health, topped with the strength of 10 giants, whoever said you can beat master easily with just elven armor, must have broken their controller Dx
Alduin isn't very strong, though. Seriously, he's no stronger than an Elder Dragon, just with way more HP.
If i would have been more clear, thats what i was implementing, althouhg, so far the flame atronach summon has been my friend, despite that i've been crushed by a giant, and brutally murdered by an arrow straight through my nether regions.
They join skyrims first ever space program, no rockets needed, just get whacked really hard by a giant. : D
What the hell is a Yarl? Do you mean "Jarl," or is it something in the new DLC that I don't know about?
Yes, a new top secret DLC that was never in production, its called Typo island, where everything you can pickup, is miss-spelt, and typo'ed on purpose. And the Jarl is actually Yarl on that island.
How is that a typo? J and Y are on different rows and far enough away from each other that it should be very hard to type Y when meant to type J.