Hai gaiz [liiiiiink] [2nd liiiiiiiiiiiiiink] My fursona I've been working on. I'm new anthro style so I would LOVE cnc! Plz and thanxyew.
Pretty good. The coloring matches the sketched style pretty nicely. The fact that I have to look for problems actively means that there must not be many obvious ones at all. I'm not really a fan of the wing positioning in the first one but that's totally up to the viewer and has nothing to do with right or wrong. Though I have nothing to really criticize I still felt the need to compliment you on your execution here.
I think it's pretty awesome, other then the snout in the second one. It looks... odd. Other then that; you've done pretty well for your first.
Link 1: Your charecter appears to have a very good stature, and the biceps and triceps are in veiw. Nice job. The wings on your charecter are a little iffy, especially since they have holes in them. Today on deviantart I came across a very intresting tuturial about drawing wings on the human body. When drawing the wings it makes much more sense anatomicly to elongate the pinky and then make a webbing from there to the body. Just click -->here<-- for this worth-while link. Link 2: Looks pretty good to me. Keep up the hard work, and always remember that a little anatomy and physiology goes a long way to drawing humanoids.