Is anyone else having issues with this site right now? It has been a week and the site just freaks out on me by making the top picture disappear, making anything with img turn into a rainbow, neon odd thing similar to a freaking out TV screen. Is there any reason to explain why this is happening..?
Okay, though when I go on other sites everything is fine. =/ but I'll take your word on it- But how could it get shot..? My laptop is less then a year old...
Sure thing here is something it did about a minute or so ago -_- Spoiler That red wasn't meant to be there-
Might be a loading problem. I know that I used to get some slow internet loading image faults after Opera got updated (before it updated again which fixed the problem) like the MSN symbol on people's posts used to turn into a large rainbow smudge that spread across the post.
So... May it go away with time perhaps? Besides the colors, it will show all the codes used to make a post and hat is very annoying when I'm trying to read. Though it is fixed when I refresh-