Silent Hill HD Collection

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Hayabusa, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    A (very small, but quality) collection, comprised of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, remastered with HD visuals and sound, and re-dubbing (original voices available for 2, but not 3, due to some actors' deaths), planned to come out March 20 of this year (after being delayed SIX TIMES. Coming out for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Probably planned to be available on their respective online-based stores.

    And now the important stuff: VIDEOS

    Teaser Trailer

    Comparison of visuals between the originals and the HD Collection (looks too bright/uncontrasted, unlike the teaser trailer]

    Comparison of voice-acting between originals and the HD Collection [original voice-acting will be in 2 before you cry]

    Thoughts? Feelings? Personally, I'll be glad to finally have a console-copy of Silent Hill 3, and be able to play 2 again, after being unable to play on the 360 due to back-words incompatibility. I just hope we can adjust the video settings if it looks like the 2nd video.
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I completed SH2 so many times I pretty much know it by heart. The PC version is just as pretty as the HD version so ... thanks but no thanks. However my PC doesn' t want to run SH3, and the PS2 version I finally found after searching one for years is buggy, there' s this one room that crashes my PS2 at a 99% rate, and the game requires the player to enter it twice. Long story short, I only competed it once so I may end up buying the collection, but not at full-retail price. Too bad they didn' t also include SH4 as in Japan, what, do we westerners stink or something ? Oh well, I know that one inside and out too ...
  3. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    ...Japan don't get 4 either o.o I'm guessing cause 4 was originally not even supposed to be a Silent Hill title, as well as how much money and time it takes already for just 2 games. That, and...honestly, I played and beat it, and found it boring. I really liked the story, but I had to force myself through it pretty much.
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    That' s what was anounced at first, but it seems it got canceled everywhere after all. Personally I enjoyed SH4 immensely. I didn' t mind the inventory system because RE got me used to it (I usually play with speed runs in mind from starters anyway), and once you know how to deal with her Eileen isn' t nearly as annoying as she seems to be at first (it took me less than a week to complete the game with a ten stars ranking). The story' s awesome, and the great half-abstract level-design is cleverly used to tell the story, as in the three previous games, so I was very surprised when I found out that many fans hate SH4 with a passion.
  5. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    I honestly never liked the setting/plot to Silent Hill 2 until some people at BTCL cleared somethings up then I gave it a passable rating. I enjoyed Silent Hill 3 a lot. Not because you play as a female but it is because it continues the story of the first game. I do think they should have included Silent Hill 4: The Room. There's got to be some space in that disc for that game.
    Are you sure?
  6. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
  7. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Oh thats what you meant, my bad x_x
    It would have been a COMPLETE collection if SH4 was included :D
    I have heard rumors the reason why it was pushed back again was because they are trying to get the voices for SH3 but I haven't heard anything about it from a reliable source yet so I don't know if it's true or not. Even with some voice actors are dead they can still use it without their permission because they are already dead or is that only for the music business? I still need to learn these things :/
  8. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    No idea. I know there' s been an insane melodrama about Konami reusing the voices for free while the original contracts said nothing about any hypothetical reuse (because traditionally in Japan, in the case of video games, they don' t have to mention anything specific in the contract to be allowed to reuse the voices as they wish). That melodrama mostly involved Guy Cihi (aka James Sunderland), rousing up fan approbation over Facebook for months, and it ended up with him convincing the whole cast to drop any financial expectations "for the sake of fans". This total mess was the reason Konami decided early on to re-dub the whole thing. Maybe Konami is afraid the families of the deceased SH3 voice actors might pick up Guy Cihi' s idea and try to exploit the contracts vagueness to claim financial rights ? Dunno ... *shrugs*

    I do know however that whoever dubs Angela in SH2 will also dub Claudia Wolf in SH3 (in the original dubs those two were voiced by the same actress).
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    The combat to me felt awkward (...the point of Silent Hill I know, but it felt odd with regard to previous games' combat), and the inventory system was...ok? But one major annoyance I had was when the game decided "Hey, lets make the player go through every level twice. Even though the level design was cool, its the point of making us back-track, where as every other game keeps giving us new places to experience. I finished the story, which I found one of the best in the series, but I was done playing the game afterwards.

    Far as I know, the developers can't use the work of a deceased person due to contractual agreements or something like that. And the game was pushed back due to having to implement original voice-acting for Silent Hill 2 after the huge backlash. The newest date is March 29 now.
  10. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    That could be possible
    Ah, that makes sense.
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    So I picked up the HD Collection yesterday. I have to say, the collection is pretty well done. I've never played any HD remakes of older games, but I think they did a good job with Silent Hill 2 and 3. The textures look so much better, and, for me, the frame-rate is better too (though there are some very brief stutters once in a while, nothing too bad). I've heard a lot of debating over the presence of self-shadowing, which Silent Hill 3 is well known for, and while it isn't as prominent, I think its still there. I'll confirm once I've played more.

    Now the important part for many of us: The new voices

    ...aren't all that bad. Honestly, in Silent Hill 2, the voices are really well acted out, giving more emotion to the characters (Mary is voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn!). But so far my main gripe with the new voices is James's ANNOYING HEAVY BREATHING after he runs a while. Its much too loud, and almost sounds like a monster. May sound minor, but when its something you have to hear every few minutes, its notable.

    Of course, many people will say that the lack of emotion in the original voices added to the creepiness. Personally, I almost prefer the new voices, if not for that annoying breathing...but there is an option for either cast.

    Unfortunately, I must say I do not care for Heather's new voice in Silent Hill 3. Maybe I'm just so used to the original one, but the new voice sounds too...sultry? Maybe not the best word, but it doesn't fit as well as it could have in my opinion.

    I'll post a bit more as I play more of the collection, but so far I'm really glad to have it. Seeing my friend freak out in 2's apartment complex was totally worth it.