Everytime I try and put a signature in my signature space, it says 'remote file is to large', when the picture I wanted to put in was only 100x500. Any help?
http://www.planetavp.com/images/features/cartoon15.gif That's the image, pretty sure it's not bigger than 500x500.
It works fine for me. But you can use this link instead for your pic: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8089/cartoon15.gif ---- Oh, I think I know why it's not working for you. Are you trying to upload it from your computer? If so, then don't do it. Just use the
I'll try using that, I hope it works. Now it works but it isn't showing :( Nevermind, it shows up in my new posts, but not my old ones.
this happens to me sometimes....thats why i try not to mess with my sig that much...even at times it tells me i have 12(or some other random #) images when i only have 1
Go to photobucket, make an account, go to upload, and upload you image there, after it is done, move your cursor over the image, and copy the code with