SotW Voting Signature of the Week #92- Sci-fi

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Ienzo, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    no. 92
    [voting thread; votes due April 2nd, 2013]
    This week we have... Science Fiction! I may be bias in choosing this for the return of Doctor Who in 2 weeks but I know I'm not the only Science fiction fan out there. Of course this isn't just limited to Doctor Who, you can do anything that is related to a science fiction genre. If you are unsure then feel free to ask me.
    Happy sigging!
    If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote.
    Midnight Star
  2. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    1. Ienzo- Yours is the epitome of Science Fiction. Loving the Oswin, not to mention the way you've magnificently pieced everything together. The color scheme is wonderful, and the choice of text is superb. Excellently done ^^

    2. Midnight Star- Star Trek stands on the pinnacle of Science Fiction. Never was much of a fan, but I acknowledged the show. I love the way the foreground is focused and the background is blurred. The way the words seem to "meld" with the picture adds that extra touch. A very well done signature ^^

    3. cstar- Yes. Gotta love the classics, and War Games is definitely one of the best. The design looks simplistic, which gives it that special flavor. I know there's not much to work with on colors, being the reference is to a computer, but you did the best with what you had. And to top everything off, an excellent quote. Very well done ^^

    (Off the record.)

    Hayabusa- It might be the way you were planning it, but i'd have recommended darkening the image. It's a little too bright. It reminds me of an old film, the way they used to be brighter than needed. It's a nostalgic memory, but the brightness, in my opinion, takes away from the image. The text was nicely done however. Good job ^^

    Nilin- I really like the mirrored effect here. The thing that got me was the text was hard to see. Also, your color palette was minimal. It wouldn't have hurt to given just a little bit more diversity in color. I like where you were headed, but it just doesn't look right. At any rate, a job well done ^^
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hayabusa - I really like the colours in this sig and the way they are silhouetted, makes it look really effective. The text is done really nicely, the angle and the font make it fit nicely. The colour of the text makes it stands out a lot but it think it works

    Nilin - Very simplistic but effective, it's really quite adorable and charming. The text is really hard to see though and strains my eyes to try and read it.

    Ienzo - This one looks really nice, you've entwined her into the background well and you've got some nice effects going on. However it seems really busy to me with loads going on in the background and I don't like the two random white lines, they seem a bit off to me and don't work as well as everything else you've done on there. Plus I think the way it goes through the text and is almost the same colour makes the text not read as good.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wow, everyone's was so great I am having so much trouble choosing (grrr)

    1. Ienzo
    I am going to be honest... I am really behind on Doctor Who, so I don't know who the character is... but the fact that I actually went researching her because your sig made me really interested was great. Okay onto actual graphic things...
    What I really love about this was the use of a red colour scheme to fit her dress(That at this point I am assuming is red) and the font style and placement of it. The only critique I really have on it, is that the top and bottom part seem to be brighter than the main part and it looks off to me, but it also seems to compliment the style so that um... might be purposeful?​
    Either way, brilliant job! I love it.​

    2. Hayabusa
    I absolutely love this game and I felt this picture was a very accurate portrayal of it. The colours chosen were gorgeous and the whole "Welcome to Rapture" text ties it in perfectly and shows a.. pretty warm welcome(lol). The only thing I really wish was that the main part with the characters was a bit darker, but it works for this because of the colour scheme.​
    I have to go find this game again... fantastic job ^_^​

    3. Midnight Star
    Hehe, Scotty was one of my favorite characters in the new movie. Not as much in the original series but his rebirth in the newer movie worked for me. That being said I love how this portrays his character. The quotes chosen were excellent and I really enjoy the green colour scheme. My only problem, was that even though it was supposed to have a text overlay look, the sideways quotes kept distracting me(or at least the one to the right... the one to the left took me a while to find).​
    That's the only downside I see to it, great job. : )​
  5. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    cstar - simplicity is key. The colors work well, the message is clear, and everything blends together. Even though it's so simple that it makes you wonder how much effort was actually given, it's excellent. Good job

    Hayabusa - The feel is great on this. The amount of dark shading and brighter parts in this piece (whether done intentionally or not) are really nice. Not too sharp and not too dull, the colors flow really nice but the thing I really dislike here is the border. Don't bother with borders...instead crop it in a more unique way focusing on one part of the picture and leave it at that. GJ!

    Ienzo - I mean the colors are nice. Gives off a 'cute' vibe to me personally. But waaaaay too much going on. I can see you have some skills but it seems like you're doing everything you can in one image. Simplicity is the key even for complexity! The splatters, lines, and border can be taken away and it will look much better. Good work otherwise
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Ienzo - At of all of them I like looking at this one the most, it's the prettiest and there's enough to it to have quite a bit to look at without being overwhelming, the colors and tones fit perfectly, and there's nice texture to it.

    Hayabusa - The complementary colors are nice to see. It's calming yet creepy and just smooth.

    Cstar - Like everyone has said the simplicity of this works rather well and it is nice to look at.
  7. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Nilin- I just love the simplicity of this one. The colours are lovely and the mirrored effect works well with the texture of the piece. My only critique would be the text is slightly unreadable but that's all really.

    Hayabusa- I have yet to play Bioshock but I love this! You have a very unique style Haya and I love that. The flow you have with the lines in nicely done but at the same time you have the lighting and colours which all complement each other and look lovely. Even the text goes with the flow, normally I'm not one for having text away from the focal point but here it works nicely and the font works well.

    Nights- Doctor Who <3 But seriously: I love the simplicity of this one, the sepia tone catches the scene well and you've chosen a nice colour scheme. My one critique is the font, it seems too happy (if you get me) and doesn't go well with the tone of the piece but that is all really. The font needs to be more rigid and the style making it look empty like perhaps making it faded but still readable. But that's all really, great work!
  8. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    1. Nilin - Simple and effective. Has a nice uniquely bright feel to it, and I like the mirror effect. Though others don't seem to enjoy the bright text, I do...though maybe tone it down just a tiny smidge? I like the idea of having to look for it...but it does strain the eye I have to admit.

    2. Ienzo - Really liking the colors used here. Tons of contrasts between brights and darks, shades of red, and a small glow of yellow-orange. The text and use of glowy lines also are great. I have to agree though that there is a bit of an overactivity though. Simplify it a bit and it'll be ace.

    3. Midnight Star - I actually have enjoyed some Star Trek prior to the new movies...though it was the one with Picard and not Kirk. Anyway, I like the use of quotes, the colors that hold variety and yet work together instead of clashing, and using blurred backgrounds in order to bring more focus to the character. However, I don't care for the font used for the primary quote honestly...too plain :<
  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Thank you all for entering, it was very close but the winner is Ienzo.

    The next theme will be up soon.
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