School Bullying D: As cool as I am here on the forums, I also have problems in real life. Well, I am a constant target for bullying for this ass hole named Jordan. Every day, I have to put up with his CRAP. He always calls me a fat elephant, a whore, and says I look like a man. It really hurts. And he is ALWAYS making fun of me, because I haven't had a boyfriend in about four years. I already tried pretending it didn't bother me, but it only gets worse. And he is BEST FRIENDS with my stepsister. He tells me how Cheyenne (Stepsister) is so much cooler and prettier than me, and it makes me want to punch him in the face. I don't want to put up with his sh*t anymore. Help?
Wow. This isn't very good. Perhaps you should talk to your step-sister about it, see if she can lend you a hand? But, if he feels so empowered by being a piece of crap to you, then he's not much of a man. It's best to ignore him, or if you're not willing to go for that, the stop him cold in his tracks. If he persists, then you need to take protective action against him. He should not put you trough this verbal abuse, and if things were to get worse, it would be his folly and responsability befall on him for abuse; this is classified for abuse.
Easier said than done. I have already tried ignoring him.. but I have to sit next to him in almost all of my classes.
Tell him that you aren't your step sister. Even if what he says hurts, just tell him it doesn't. And act like it doesn't, or that it's amusing to you. He'll think it's not doing anything to you and he'll stop. :/ That's the best advice I can give.
not to sound like a hippie but tell him every person is beautiful in there own way ur not ur step sister and he needs to lay off i havent had a gf in 6 year cause im nervous but i just ignore all insult that come my way just cause u fight back it doesnt make u cooler i just learned to take the insults u know that old saying sticks and stones... and also if that doesnt work just try something to insult him like he does try to embarass him
I've been in a somewhat similar situation as you, but not exactly the same. Though if I were you, I would just act like his bullying means nothing to you. Bullies only feel like they win whenever what they say bothers you, now I'm not saying ignoring the boy but just give him some sort of smart remark when he calls you names. I know bullying hurts and makes you angry but it takes time to get rid of those kinds of people. But I really hope you are able to get rid of this bully soon because no one deserves to get bullied like that.
Your stepsister isn't very encouraging. You need to talk to her about this. He also has issues as he comments people on how they look. What an @ss. Tell him to lay off. No matter how one looks, you judge them on what they can do, not their looks or perspective.
I'd blow him off and laugh at his silly comments. Either that or I'd still find them amusing and make fun of his zits, tell him he smells, ask if he's bothering you because he has a small **** and needs to compensate. In the end, blow it off and roll with life. He may be lashing out at you for any number of stupid reasons to include he likes your step sister but she has no interest in being more than a friend with him. Who knows? Just though let it go and tease him back some.. laugh and show he has no effect on you.
Beat him up. That is what i do and they stop but if he has any ex's say he was secretly cheating on them and say he said awful things about them that way you have teammates.
Well, I don't know how close you are with your step-sister, but if she knows him, tell her.Ignoring him doesn't seem to be much helpful in this case. If he's an unreasonable cur (hey, Shakespeare words :P) then he's not worth the breath.
She has said ignoring doesn't work people so try going to the teacher or beating him up. If your friends will vouch for you try to convince them to tell the principal that he called you a b@@@@. Usually teachers will take that seriously and they would at least give him a week's worth of detention.
Yes, but when I DO tell the teachers, they just shrug it off and tell me that it's just his was of saying he likes me, or that it's just a stage, or that he's just messing around. Even if what they say IS true, it doesn't make it hurt any less.
No don't react! He obviously WANTS you to react...Just act pissed off but pretend your not gonna hurt him just yet...just grab him, threaten him and shake him a bit...after years and years of y life being made a misery thanks to people like him ive learnt to ignore and if that doesnt work then my plan b is above
tell him you are tired of his crap, if ignoring him is not working, and if he is doing more report to the school or actually tell your parents and have them talk to his parents, sorry if its not that good
I'm don't usually give advice like this but; Stand up to him.Tell him that he makes you feel bad and you'd rather not talk to him anymore. And I would talk about this with your step sister too. If he obviously likes her more than you;maybe she can tell him to stop and he'll listen?