I like it alot, though it looks like half his face is dissappeared or not there, maybe lightening that area. Other then that.. I like it.
Maybe remove that part where you see another spongebob...don't know if you did that on purpose but thats all I can think of.
Oh, yeah, I did that on purpose. The reason for that is....: The text is there (it's suppose to be un readable) and I wanted to have spongebob near his name... but I wanted it to be in an abstract way... if you get me.
Ah yeah I get what you mean. Then maybe make it a little brighter. But overall it is really well done.
Wow, I'm a little late in the posts. but anyway... o0... oddly, I think it reminds me of slime.... but now that's over and it reminds me of a four leaf clover. All in all, that's an awesome Spongebob sig.
Where's his face? There's a light source in the way...XD Yeah, the lightsource is a bit too small and overpowering. There's not even really any darkness around, so the light source looks more like a white smudge on his face. Other then that, text COULD be better, it's nice now though. And there's minimal depth in this sig.../: 8/10
Two words, Tentacle rape. lol, that is honestly what I was immediately reminded of after seeing the green thing that's contricting him...I have no criticism since I don't really know how to work with such clutterment~
You could like....fix the light. So it doesn't look like you soft brushed it. What I mean, is make it not transition from white to green so fast. Clean it up, too. It's very messy. Burn & dodge tools + blur and sharpen tools = the way to go. EDIT: Also, you're in desperate need of flow, depth, and readable text. XD