Since I haven't heard back from places I applied to and am basically at home all day, I figure I'd get some recs to work through. So far I'm planning on going through Anime: Cowboy Bebop (I caught scattered episodes on Toonami but never say all the way through) NGE (I'm scared) Trigun Lupin III Big O Shows: Doctor Who (I've only watched through Journey to the Center of the TARDIS and me gusta) Community Arrested Development Movies: Akira Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Moonrise Kingdom Rise of the Guardians Perks of Being a Wallflower The Hobbit Amazing Spider-Man Rewatches: Steins;Gate Gurren Lagann (I'm probably going to need this after NGE) I know a few of you may recommend Supernatural, Deadman Wonderland and so on. But, I don't like real time gory scenes. They tend to freak me out...a lot, depending on how much there is. (Might be wrong about SPN being gory but quite a few of the gifs I've seen on Tumblr have been so oof). (I say as I watch NGE lord) Other than that, go nuts & thank ya homies.
Don't know what your power level is and what you've seen before but you have good enough taste it seems. Still gonna casual this because I don't even television. Anime: Kare Kano Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Girls Und Panzer (****offthepinktankisawesome) Haiyore! Nyarko-san Fate/Zero Film: Taste of Tea Minbo Mongol Blood and Bone Drama: City Hunter (Korean)
... Yo, what? Spoiler As for recommendations, I love horror and crazy junk so I'M NOT SURE I CAN HELP YOU THERE. Have you seen The Girl Who Leapt Through Time? I definitely do recommend Angel Beats and Clannad tho. And Ano Hana. And Mai Hime, maybe, which is kind of Magical Girl-y.
WATCH ALL OF DOCTOR WHO do not just pop in at series 7 please okay but for real MOVIES I HAVE SEEN. Amélie ( did I make you watch this? i think i made you watch this ) Dan in Real Life Wristcutters: A Love Story The Science of Sleep Heathers Bridget Jones's Diary Safety Not Guaranteed MOVIES I WANT TO SEE (BUT THEY LOOK COOL SO WATCH THEM AND TELL ME HOW THEY WERE). Albatross An Education Bright Star Dear Lemon Lima Garden State Hey Hey It's Ester Blueburger Les amours imaginaires Like Crazy Lymelife Mr. Nobody Rocket Science Struck by Lightning Submarine TELEVISION I HAVE SEEN. doktah who Downton Abbey Emma (technically a mini-series BUT SO GOOD it's the 2009 one) Parks & Recreation The Mindy Project Adventure Time
Anime: Samurai Champloo Full Metal Alchemist Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood lolidontreallevenwatchanime Movies: Donnie Darko Black Swan The Prestige TV: LOST Once Upon A Time How I Met Your Mother Breaking Bad I can't think of anything else
um hmmmmmmm Anime: Persona 4: The Animation Devil Survivor 2: The Animation (still airing) Attack on Titan (so far it's pretty great I just started watching it yesterday lol) and Soul Eater and I would say Naruto but the manga is the way to go for it becauseNO FUSWKNDING FILLERS (anime is still pretty good tho, imo; can't wait for it to catch up to the current mangoo chapters) Movies: idk Telervision: Adventure Time Regular Show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I guess that's all that comes to my mind. I would have added DBZ to the anime list but like who hasn't seen DBZ oh and Attack on Titan is pretty gory
Attack on Titan is glorious, but it's also full of 'gore' and horror, so. Would not recommend if you're trying to avoid that. Edit: I mean, if you'd avoid Deadman Wonderland, I would avoid Attack on Titan, lol.
Gonna take the opportunity to break something down for everyone. Attack on Titan is a bad translation. Shingeki no Kyoujin actually conveys 'advance of the crazy muthafuckers'. I'm not shitting you, it's true. Just look up the kana. The reason I want to stress this is because it actually it matters who is the aggressor here and some idiot messed it up.
I DO WHAT I WANT (but nah I know, I'm gonna start with Eccleston) YOU STREAMED IT FIR THE SITE but I missed it and you never passed the file :'c I knew I forgot two shows How did I forget to add Samurai Champloo And I actually just finished Brotherhood a couple weeks ago lol (liked it a lot) I try to pretend the ""last"" episode didn't exist (because THE ONE BEFORE IT WAS PERFECT EVEN WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE GAME EXACTLY) I've actually caught up with the AOT manga lol. I don't mind manga gore since it isn't real time (like the Naruto chapter with Spoiler Obito imp along everyone on giant wood things was SO GREAT TO ME but I'd probably avoid watching it in the show ) Anyway, added them all to my crudely written list, thanks guys! (On Titan tho I love potato girl a lot and I don't even know why)
If you want more anime recommendations, Eden of the East is probably the best anime I've seen recently. It centers around Saki Morimi, a girl who just finished college and Akira Takizawa, a guy she meets on her graduation trip to the United States after ditching her friends in New York to visit DC. See, he got her out of some trouble with the police after she tried (and failed) to throw coins over the fence surrounding the White House and into the fountain. The twist? He does this while naked, holding a gun, and with absolutely no memory of his past. He gives him her coat because it's really cold, then starts off to the airport when she realizes that her passport and wallet are still in her jacket. Chase scene to a place that Taki has figured out is his apartment. Policewoman recognizes him, hilarity ensues when it's revealed that his most defining physical characteristic shrunk in the cold, allowing him and Saki to get away. Then they both go back to Japan together because Taki found some passports in his apartment. Okay, that's enough first episode summary. The rest of the concept is that Akira Takizawa is a Seleção, a person who's been chosen by a man who calls himself Mr. Outside to play a "game" of sorts to try to save Japan from an impending disaster. To that end, each Seleção (there are twelve in all) has each been given a phone with access to a personal bank account containing 10 billion yen. For reference, that's 120 billion yen total, which equates to $1,199,880,000. Winning the game requires spending the money in order to save Japan from the impending disaster, which could be anything from civil war to a massive earthquake to something of a more political nature. Taki is Seleção number 9 and, for some reason, considered very dangerous by the other Seleção. The description might suggest, the series has a very prevalent theme regarding the value of money from a societal point of view. The phrase "Noblesse oblige" is used as the arc words for the series. There are also lots of references to classic American cinema, mainly because Takizawa is a gigantic film buff. The second movie is even called Paradise Lost. TL;DR: Just watch the fucking trailer if you don't want to read my awesome review. Original Japanese Trailer that actually shows what the series is about: Not as Good English Trailer: 'Dat Stop Motion in the ED: Also, it's the only anime that I've ever owned in its entirety completely legally. I love it so much and I really want it to be more popular. Oh, and I'd suggest watching the English dub. The Japanese voices are great, but the localization captures the spirit of the show so much better than the more or less directly translated subs do. I liked it with subs, but the best scenes, which were kinda meh in Japanese, were literally (as in literally literally) jaw dropping when I saw them in English.
Anime: Romeo x Juliet Problem Children are Coming From Another World, Aren't They? Flowers of Evil Sekirei (there is actually a pretty decent plot when you look passed the EXCESSIVE fan service) Movies: Side Effects Garden State Starbuck (French-Canadian film) The Happy Poet American Beauty Summer Wars The Others Moneyball Requiem For a Dream (evil laughter) Liberal Arts Shows: The Following American Horror Story (Season Two, although the first season is also good) Slugterra (silly premise, but it is fun as hell)