Shout-Out to Joss Whedon

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by LARiA, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Who has now earned a proper and well-deserved spot in LARiA's List of Blessed People Who've Graced This Earth With Their Presence. Ooh, mark my words. His spot has been fixed proper, indeed.

    yea I get it no one cares about this but me

    I would like to plant a kiss on this man's cheek as a demonstration of my affections. Well, not really. But I am very pleased! And he would receive a hug perhaps. Certainly. Yes, I would hug Joss Whedon.

    Just the other day I was musing over how Great it would be to see Pietro and Wanda on the big screen. I acknowledged that it would probably never happen. I don't recall that movieverse!Magneto ever had any children. Thus, I did not think they would appear in film anytime soon unless the entire franchise was rebooted as it would conflict with canon. Now, perhaps that was silly of me. The X-Men film franchise is riddled with contradictions and loopholes and inconsistencies already. Fox couldn't care less about stable plot lines or consistency, and for once I am actually grateful of the fact!


    P.S. They best portray Wanda curly-haired.
  2. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I didn't really care for the first Avengers movie. I felt it was a step down from what had been done previously in the MCU.
  3. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Cookie-cutter plot. It's all about the characters, I think. People enjoy seeing their favorite heroes on screen. Hit and miss, I guess.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    It's not really about the characters at all. It's not really about anything. It's about getting as many popular characters on screen doing as much as possible to entertain everybody and make money, which it does very well. Though I have only seen it once, and it has been a long time since I've seen it, so my opinion may change if I saw it again.