Should we really be discussing?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Cin, Jul 22, 2008.

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  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    there's a saying that can express my point on this.

    "those who do not know their history, are bound to repeat it".

    we need to discuss such things.

    we cant be ignorant towards everything around us.

    we need to know and get better in our ways.
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Hey we understand our parents have an older style thinking and all but they aren't 'effed up'. If they were we wouldn't have any countries to live in, a home, (relatively) safe streets, not to mention the concieved us. You can't call them effed-up, just because they think differently.
    The public are ignorant at the moment, we don't TRULY care for politics, we care for reality TV shows, celebrities and so on, the majority want to be taken care fo because they are too weak or lazy to do it themselves.
    ANd that saying to me, seems almost stupid. No 2 events are the same, we will never repeat history anywhere near accuracy. Human History has probably only been around for a few thousand years, most of it isn't even accurate, we don't know history accurately enough to repeat it, it would really be more like doing it for the first time.
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    I completely would be pissed off. Telling kids not to worry about politics is like them saying "when i'm old and the world has fallen to death because you didn't listen to your president, i'll blame the school systems."

    This is everybody's world and whether people like it or not, politics surrounds EVERYONE. Everyone who has an interest or is curious should be allowed to determine for themselves whether they want to listen or not. Granted I don't think kids 13 and under would fully understand the implications or the Patriot Act or Geneva Convention, but if kids show an interest, this is a good thing. It means that the next generation or leaders will be able to know at an earlier age how to handle situations.

    I encourage anyone who wants to learn about politics to do so, but be warned, it's not always pleasant.
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    It's not how they think-it's what that generation did. Pollution, Vietnam, stuff like that.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Our generation is probably doing worst. We have pollution, waste, wars, economic crashes, kinfe and gun crime, so on. We know the problems of the world, we even know ways to stop these problems but we don't, we are worse than whatever our fathers or grandfathers do.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Everything we know we have learned from the previous generation. It was their job to mould us in a positive way and often they fail, miserably. I'm not saying that they all suck, there are plenty of good parents out there. But the massive levels of knife crime in England and gun crime in the USA could not have spontaneously arisen without help from the previous generation. Lol anytime I think of a problem I can nearly always track it back to how the person was brought up, or through the atmosphere in which they grew up which was created by the previous society.

    So yes, we definitely should be paying attention and forming our own opinions about important issues that may or may not affect us. The more separate they are from those of our parents, the better.
  7. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Yes, we should. Since eventually in time, we will be able to speak out and vote etc.
    The world is still there, you can't just close your eyes and pretend that some things ain't there.
    And it doesn't matter if your not old enough to vote or something like that, you can still voice your opinion and say what you mean. Maybe someone older listen to you and think:" Oh the kid actually has a god idea, I want that to happen!".
  8. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007

    Why shouldn't we talk about it. It's not like talking about politics will make us horrible people. I'm sorry, but that's just foolish. :\

    Oh yeah.

    Freedom of speech, lol.
  9. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    If you're a four year old discussing politics and sexuality something is wrong with you.

    In teenage years, yes, it is important to know of the economy and politics of the world around you.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    552 it really that hard to understand peace and war.

    of course events will not go precisely the same.

    but in one way or another will have the same effect(or a similar one).

    anyways....i agree with you , in ways people worry more about entretainment.

    it makes me sick sometimes to watch stupid reality shows in wich, people , start crying as if they were victims....hell they should see the in humane conditions some people live in.
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I understand why many people here would want to, most of the people here care about learning and trying to 'pass' life's test.

    And sure I agree that we should learn from our mistakes, but humans still do things that cause them more grief. Take hunting for exotic animals, years ago we were killing elephants and rhinos for ivory, few years later we realised we were making animals extinct from this glory hunting, so some people created natural reserves where we keep near extinct animals safe before ewe wiped them out. But we still have glory hunters, we still have people who want ivory for their mantle piece, more animals are becoming endangered each passing year. I think a few years back, hunters had killed the last wild alligator/crocodile of the Yangtze River (in china) for a crappy looking bag. And that’s only one incident that humans have repeated themselves.

    Also more people of the general public want to be treated like babies where everything is done for them, when the public cry 'I want my bottle' we give them new TV shows, when they say 'I need to be changed' we start changing laws to make it easy for them and when they vomit on us, we have to clean up there mess. The majority of the general public wants the politicians to do their job so they don't have to care about politics.

    If you think about it, we should glad that our parents and grandparents thought so 'rigidly'. Without there type of close-minded thinking as people put it, we would never have been able to reject their ideas of a small mind and instead open our minds. Radical thinking was the cause of old style thinking, I can never moan about- how my family think, for if they didn't think like that, we may never have been open minded as we are today.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    fight for thruth!.

    anyways, i totally agree with you.

    and i would also make a repliku-long essay , if i wasnt so lazy.

    so ill just stay in agreement for now.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    All I can say for certain is that our past makes us who we are, even our parents past is our past in a way, everything that happened in their life would one day shape ours.

    And, Cin, when your father said too 'Not question' I understand that he meant that old saying 'Ignorance is Bliss' Meaning the less we know the less we have to worry, and question and stress. I know I’d rather not know everything I do about the political system, the suffering of other people, the destruction of the earth, because I know that, as I am now, I will never be able to do enough to help all these things, so I would rather not know.
    And it only took the use of my brain, to convince you.

    I don't know anyone that can do essays on the spot like Repliku. The keyboard he has must just be typing what he thinks. And the way he thinks, wow, that keyboard must never be bored.
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    quoted for thruth.

    but back on topic.

    if the world becomes a less-rigid one.

    then would be be at risk, the risk of being stuck in conformity, i mean we are pretty stuck in it as it is.

    and as you said, without our rigid ancestors we wouldnt be.....well can you see where im going with this?
  15. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Using "Ignorance is Bliss" as an excuse is selfish and borderline negligent. We have to know about things if anything is ever going to be done about them. If we went through life ignoring anything which might cause us concern the world would continue to be the way it is forever, if not get worse.

    As for our parents rigid-thinking making us the open-minded people we are today (well, some of us anyway), that also sounds kind of like an excuse. Thinking that the parents who don't teach their children right from wrong, teach them to be racist, anti-gay and generally scum-like is all some elaborate reverse-psychology gimmick is going a bit far =/
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The only things humans have too know is how to survive, being civilised is not part of human instinct, we are beasts at our core, and have to be tamed in a way that we are accepted in society, by keeping within the laws, learning our socail class and so on.
    Politics and others are just 'add-ons', a part of the rigid society and aren't necessary for humans to survive.
    (As much as I would rather be rid of incompetent people, they seem to have a place in this world, usually they are placed as cannon fodder on a battlefield)

    And even though we learn about wars, disasters, disease and so on, we don't do anything (or as little as possible) to stop it. We could know the cure to every major disease on the world, but it doesn't mean we are going to use it because we are kind hearted. We would sell the information for money, power or something for us, it is just the way of knowledge, it comes at a price.
    Like learning about good, means you have to learn about evil. You can't learn about the positive without their being a negative.

    I'm not saying I know personally, but being a parent is no easy task, every small detail is picked up by the child, like what you do and say. The slightest mistake and you could do something negative for your child's life you don't know of. Like pushing your kid to learn a sport, it's suppose to be good for them socialising and learning a new skill but if they feel like they are doing so bad at it the kid never wants to do that sport again. No child is perfect, because no parent is perfect, no life is perfect.
    I can't say my parent’s generation was bad, because they weren't, some people were bad, but some were good, I can't say one generation is worse than another, because they all have good and bad people in them.
  17. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You are completely right.I Sometimes WISH with all my heart and soul that i was ignorant because as you said ignorance is Bliss.If i hadn't grown a brain and decided i wanted to know more life would be more streamline but then at the same time i would be just like everyone else.Knwledge and Wisdom are both a gift and i curse.Sometimes you think that it's the greatest thing you own and other times you wish you never had it.
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    the more we learn, the more we adjust to the things we have learned.

    we learn and we become stronger, but with more power the trials we face might become harder.

    having to learn the reality of well a hard slap.

    if we stay ignorant, then we would be happy, but we also become slaves of our self-indulgence.

    but if we learn we are bound by right and wrong.

    so either way......we are screwed with knowlege or without.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Yeah, gettting screwed both ways is true, atleast one way getting screwed means something good.

    I agree with that statement, and i don't agree alot, so congrats! XP

    With knowledge comes not only power but much pain, you learn about suffering, loneliness, murders, being a small fish in a lrage pond, while with ignorance you can ignore it all.
    I would gladly become one of the dumb guys in class who talk about girls and such, because thinking has only ever caused me grief.
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