Should we keep asking questions?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Recently since about 5 or so months ago I haven't felt like the same person i've been in years.
    In the past I would have a torrent of conflicting questions and ideas that helped me build a greater sense of how I view the world and myself.
    These days I don't question things anymore, I feel like I am content with what I have in my mind, with my views and beliefs and outlook on much of life. However, I think that makes me feel less intelligent or maybe just less mentally stimulated as I once was. I feel like I should be asking more questions, to myself like 'am I walking the right path?' or 'what can I do to be a better me?'

    I just don't feel the same natural flow of questions there once were, the need to know more okr to speculate on more.
    So I pose a question (ironically I suppose) about not having any questions in me.

    Should we keep asking questions because we will never have answers or should we not because we are content with the answers we are given?
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It's good to always challenge yourself and think about things in a new way, but part of growing up is discovering who you are and what you believe. Some reach that sooner than others, some don't reach that point at all. There's no right and wrong there. Maybe you are growing grounding in your beliefs, but I don't think you would shy away from discussing or debating them, would you?

    I know I believe in socialism and I don't see myself being dispelled of that within this lifetime; however, I am always happy to read thoughts from either side of the fence, which can either challenge or further justify myself in my beliefs. But knowing what you believe in and feeling secure in it is not wrong.
  3. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It may sound stupid, but the sound of the simple term "Should we" irked me. You're in no position to generalize your own insecurity. I can understand why you have doubts about asking questions, but why should we behave a certain way at all? Curiosity isn't the only way to make yourself useful, so why should everyone possess it or abstain from it? What's best for you may not be the best for someone else. Find your own way and leave others to their own devices.

    To be honest, I had the same problem a few years ago (and still do to an extent). Until I realized that no one asked me to be intelligent.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Asking questions is good, and we should always do it, but there is a point where we need to stop asking and except the way things are.

    To me it seems like you found the answers to the questions you were asking, so of course you dont need to keep asking the same questions.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I only meant in a general asking of other people.
    This wasn't a Help with Life, needing advice from others type of thing. It was me merely asking the thoughts of others on the matter, and didn't mean to impart my thought on others in order to persuade, merely to inform on my state.
    'Should I keep asking questions?' sounds like I am seeking assistance, not discussing a matter brought forward.

    And I ask myself to be better and to do better, maybe not intelligence only, just to improve. Through questioning, I have improved myself and I suppose I would like to keep continuing. I think that questioning things helps us all improve our outlook and our ability to deal with things. Knowledge I hope gives wisdom, acceptance and better acceptance of yourself. Not in a forced way, but encourage to do so. People sometimes don't even need to be forced or encouraged, they just sometimes want a direction and try it out.
  6. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    In all honesty, there's nothing wrong with challenging the world. Questioning things is natural. On the other hand, its not necessarily a bad thing to accept some parts of life. Sometimes a little bit of closure about the world is good :)