Should the US Currency be fixed?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Rho, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Do you think every foreign government is perfect?
    If you don't, then you're a pot calling the kettle black as well.
    Criticism is everywhere. I'm sure that while he said that about the US government, he recognizes that his own government has flaws as well.
    As to which government is worse, matter of opinion.

    Lost any significant religious content? Maybe significant, but it sure as Hell (pun intended) didn't lose all religious content. You include god, even just as concept, you're introducing religion.

    I meant that the motto should be more like "In The People We Trust."
    But apparently the government is willing to trust a God they won't acknowledge as real more than they're willing to trust the people they were built for, from, and by.
    Just like I said above, you include god(s), you introduce religion.
    So we made religion the central part in our motto.
    The motto represents our views somewhat.
    So I argued that America could be considered a religious nation.

    Looking towards religion twice as hard?
    Good. Let them study religion and become spiritual. Let them find the path to God. A Christian's true hope for others. (or any other religion for that matter, I'm guessing.)
    Unfortunately, those people will pick only the parts of religion they want and disregard the others.
    You want to discriminate against someone in the name of God?
    Awesome. Good for you. God is right after all, so you have the right to.
    Oh wait, you're not loving thy neighbor.
    In that case, they can go screw themselves, they're not a true follower.
    If you acknowledge that not every person in a group is the same as the members of that group you've met, then you wouldn't use the ones you've met to classify the others.
    Granted, stereotypes have some truth in them, or else they would never exist.
    Then exile yourself. Without society, we're animals.
    I'm guessing this was directed at me?
    "The crusades were yet again just using religion as an excuse." is that what you're saying?
    Because that was exactly my point.
    Monopoly said "differences, not religion, causes war."
    The Crusades were because of religion.
    An excuse can be cause.
    For example,
    Invading other countries for oil?
    We need oil can be the excuse.

    It's a problem because it represents our country.
    If your school's motto became "Beastiality is a wonderful thing," one would assume your school approves and encourages beastiality. Would you still go that school?
    Would you wear a school shirt with the motto on it?
    Bad comparison, I know.

    Exactly. But how do we know which religion is right?
    Why should America single out some (depending on which "god" we're talking about) as the right one while basing itself on religious freedom?
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol I am far from saying my government is perfect. Heck, our local devolved government is made up of mostly ex-terrorists! What my government does not do, however, is go round preaching about how awesome it is and telling other nations to aspire to be what it is. That is where the arrogance and hypocrisy comes in. Oh, I forgot to mention greedy and selfish xD
  3. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    I never said that it lost all religious content, I said that it lost significant religious content. By losing significant content, people can't say that the US favors one religion and therefore the church is separated from the state in the terms of the US Constitution. Separation of church and state in the US is derived from the part in the First Amendment where it says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It says nothing in there about not mentioning god or any deity.

    You should have said that then or I wouldn't have been so confused. I kinda have to agree with this.

    I can't tell if this is suppose to be a rebuttal or just a huge flame against the US.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It was the only bit of your post that hadn't been dealt with and I felt required me to respond to. I'm just saying what a lot of people I know and I'm sure most of the UK thinks of the United States government.

    This is getting off-topic. Basically a secular nation should have a secular government. This does not mean that politicians can't have personal religious beliefs but they should remain that, personal.
  5. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Exactly. And this is true for a lot of foreigners. Many Europeans don't even know that the phrase is there. Heck, neither did I before this thread started.
  6. pyroKyle Banned

    Jul 3, 2009
    The land of eternal burning=fun
    I guess you could say there is a hidden meaning in "In God we trust" because if I remember correctly the bible says something like "make others your disciples" can't really remember, sorry.
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    And then made his get-out-of-jail-free card only work if you choose him as your imaginary friend. Yea- no.

    Let me put a question to everyone. What does "IN GOD WE TRUST" actually mean? What message does it send? What does it signify?
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Thou shalt not have any Gods before me...

    That means that at a time, there were other gods acknowledged and in existence to other humans. The Mesopotamian region was full of deity lore and even Yahweh originally came from Levant area/Canaanite pantheon beliefs, before it was elevated to the status of being on par with El, who was the head of that pantheon. In the end, the Hebrew people elevated this deity to compete against another named Baal, which also meant 'god' or 'lord' to the Canaanites. Yahweh and Baal at one time if I remember correctly, were regarded as brothers who were sons of El. People love to think that this deity was always monotheistic as were the believers, but no, evidence shows otherwise, even in the Bible with the stealing of names to make some deities into demons etc. In the end, this deity was made out to be selfish and it wanted dominion over the people that it was declared to have freed from Egypt. The area of Mesopotamia was often in strife and war and the desire to also promote gods to higher statuses etc was part of conquest. No Other gods before me.. it's clear what it means. If in doubt, read the Bible again.

    So when people say 'In God we Trust', no, they are not meaning Vishnu, Thor, Odin, Ra, Marduk, Asherah etc. They are referring to the monotheistic deity Jehova, Elohim (which El was another deity or also means 'God, which was a title), Yahweh, Allah. I really would have thought anyone knew that it meant this deity and no other. Funny that anyone of another religion than Christianity seems to know it, but some Christians seem to want to play it off that it's not true. Also, again, this was not the original motto of the U.S. This was added in the 1950s. It is a newer thing and was not something that needed to be done in the first place but to placate a bunch of zealot Christians who thought it was great to put on the coin.

    In the end, I will still use the coin etc whether it has it or not. I would like to see it gone, not because I am an atheist, but because it is biased against everyone of any other faith than that of the Abrahamic god. It's selecting a group of people to make happy while ignoring others, whether they believe in something else or choose not to or are undecided. It does not represent us as Americans. It instead represents some of us who fear losing ground because something that they stuck on wrongfully in the first place could be removed and something else better could be put there.

    Now tell me this: What is wrong with this?

    E Pluribus Unum - which means from Latin "Out of Many, One."

    That is our traditional motto. I like it much more. What would be wrong with putting our actual motto down instead of this farce?