Should marijuana be legalized?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by The Fuk?, Nov 15, 2008.


Should weed be legal?

  1. Yes

    47 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but only in some areas, like in amsterdam

    11 vote(s)
  3. No

    63 vote(s)
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  1. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I say that everything that addictive should be banned - including things like alcohol and cigarettes. Heck, I wouldn't mind it if COFFEE got outlawed, but I KNOW that'll never happen. I just hate the smell. North Carolina has a bill before the government that'll ban all smoking in public places and most businesses, leaving it only allowed in homes and certain designated businesses - that was LONG overdue. Everywhere I go, I seem to see at least 20 cigarette butts on the ground per square foot. Those things don't degrade, people! Our society is out of control with regards to addictive substances. We don't need to legalize yet ANOTHER one.
  2. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    If you think about it Marijuana is sold on the streets. if it was legalized then it would sell even BETTER and people would die more and more. were running ourselves into a pit and being idiots. we need to start using our brains a lil and stop destroying our cells with these crappy drugs. Its these idiots up in polotics that are all in for the money and power. Sooner or later were gonna have a huge event happen again like 9/11 and i think that when it happens hopefully people will bring their brains together and think upa plan
  3. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    Drugs do not stay in your system for life.
    And yes, I know every drug is differant and cut with differant ****. I've taken many differant pills. Some really good, some bad (as in I felt nothing).

    I don't feel I deserve to pay a massive fine or go to jail for something so small as possession of small ecstasy pill.
    It's my life, my body. I'm 18 and a legal adult. I should be able to do whatever I want to my body.
    My health is my own and you, nor the government have to right to limit what I can and can't do to myself.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The difference in the UK is that the taxpayer has to shoulder the burden of your healthcare. When I start paying National Insurance I will be paying for every alcoholic's, drug addict's, smoker's and obese person's treatment. It is your body, but everyone's healthcare bill.
  5. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    I pay taxes, too.
  6. OhHey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 22, 2008
    The majority of this forums believes in "Since I don't do it, I will enforce my ways on others." I have yet to read a logical reason to not legalize marijuana. So you say its bad for you. Then you don't do it. Why do you honestly care if some guy in Australia smokes weed? It doesn't affect you. Legal or not, people are still going to do it. Legalizing it will just keep more people out of jail for drug possession.

    I do enjoy this tax payment excuse. There is a reason why health care exists. It is merely doing its job. Why does it matter who exactly is getting the help? Pay your damn taxes and stop complaining.

    I don't plan to smoke or do drugs. My way is with alcohol. Damn it, why does that make me a bad person? Its not like I am going to be an alcoholic. On that point, it doesn't mean that people who do drugs are addicts. You make it seem like people are either clean or addicts. I simply hate people who see the world in black and white.
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Pot tends to make people lose control - it makes you hallucinate. Try driving high. Go ahead. Try. I guarantee you you will wreck. The only question is, who will you kill when you do. All illegal drugs are many times more addictive than alcohol and tobacco. That's why they are illegal. If they weren't, death rates and injury rates would skyrocket.
  8. OhHey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 22, 2008
    1 out of 5. That is a pretty low number to be using as evidence. There is a little thing called control. You can smoke weed and not drive. You can't simply couple smokers with those idiots who do it while performing immense tasks. The same can be said with alcohol. You learn to not drink and drive. You learn not to be high and drive.
  9. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum

    How many people actually obey the drunk driving laws? A surprisingly low percentage. Probably still the majority, but a lot less people than you think actually don't drive after drinking. They'll say "well, I've only has 1 drink, I'm good to drive". These same people, or people like them, will now be able to legally smoke. I smell disaster in that scenario. I, personally, would be scared out of my wits to be on the road with legalized marijuana, because I live in a college town, where, stereotype or not, drugs are more common.

    And actually, 1/5 is a pretty high number. That's 20% of ALL reckless drivers. Another ~20% will be drunk, more will be illegally driving (revoked license or never had one), etc etc.
  10. ZackCrisisFFVII Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 24, 2009
    Yes yes and yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it should be
  11. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    ^Translation: "I wanna use pot whenever I want"

    Not a constructive Discussion post. Try adding some support. Why do you want it legalized? How are you going to placate all the people (like me) who think this is the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas? Etc. We need content, not yes-men.
  12. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    no, Marijuana should not be legal, there is no point, smoking already kills too many people, why would we make drugs legal, its pointless...
  13. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    No, 1 in 5 is low. Speeding is a bigger concern with reckless driving. Not pot smokers, who in most cases don't even want to leave the house. This is just an over exaggerated concern that people want to drive while high. Trust me, it's the last thing you want to do.

    btw, one drink is not enough to affect your driving.
  14. OhHey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 22, 2008
    So you think we should just get rid of anything that idiots might get a hold of. The world would be uneventful and boring. We can't stop idiots from doing stupid things. That doesn't mean if we make it illegal the idiots will stop being idiots. They will still do stupid **** no matter what you do.
  15. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Yes some drugs do stay in your system for life. Acid? Also, I live in the UK and as someone said, when I start paying taxes, I will need to be paying for people like you. The ones who get so doped up in crap like herroin and Ecstasy that I need to pay for you to get treatment and Methadone which you'd probably get addicted to anyway. And possession of an ecstasy pill is a huge deal. Ecstasy, if you'd done your homework, is usually shaped like smiley faces and love hearts, stuff like that. If someone left those lying around, a kid could take one thinking them to be sweets. Unless that kid drinks the right amount of water per hour, they WILL die. Also, people who take drugs are a risk to people around them and to themselves. I don't care what you do to yourself in your own pivate home, alone, locked in referrably, padded walls etc, but in public, if you are driving, if you are in a crowd or anywhere where other people are, no. People shouldn't have to put up with your silly and immature drug use because you are too short sighted to see the damage to your own health, other people and to see other ways of having fun. Oh, and having the middle of my nose fall out or seeing my greatest fear in front of my eyes isn't exactly what I'd call "fun".
  16. OhHey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 22, 2008
    I don't think we are getting through to them Stooge.

    Do you realize how selfish you sound right now? "My gawd! I don't wanna spend my money on sick people! Let them rot! Its mine mine mine." Health care, as I said before, is being used correctly. They are ill. They are being taken care of. You start to wonder who you are paying for and you just ***** that they don't follow your lifestyle. Cram it already. You don't even do taxes, so why are you even complaining? You guys are acting like the majority of those on health care are addicts.

    Kids are rather fond of anything. A bottle of cleaning fluid is just as tempting. Hell, even if it says poison on it they are still going to try it. Also, funny you guys are claiming people do drugs in public. If anything, everything is done at home because of the environment. They do know what it will do to them so they want to be somewhere safe. No one is going to do ecstasy in the middle of the street.

    What your kind of fun is irrelevant. This isn't about you. This isn't about your ideals, your way of thinking. In short, this isn't about you. Some people enjoy getting a scare. That is what horror movies are about, right? It also can relieve stress, clear one's mind. It is a person's choice to do drugs. Not yours.
  17. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    And yet, the majority of people still say "no" in the poll. Wow, that must really say something! I wonder what? Oh, I got it! People don't want legalized marijuana!

    And what was said about health care was pretty true. As you said, it's their choice. So, let them pay for it. Not us. I have enough to pay for as it is without having to pay for some dumbass who got high and wrecked his car. Yet, unfortunately, if he has health insurance, with legalized marijuana, he'll be covered and they'll pay for it, which will, over time, drive up costs for the rest of the people with that insurance company.

    And what if an addict (yes, do it enough and you WILL get addicted) does pot at a friend's house? He's not gonna spend the night, usually. He'll hop in his car and drive on home while still shaking off the drug, making him less alert (even if he feels more alert, he really isn't), slowing his reaction times, and increasing his odds of an accident many times over.

    Well waddya know? People agree with me.
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The difference is that they made themselves sick. Why should I have to pay to treat someone who knowingly made themselves ill? I don't care that they don't follow my lifestyle, I would just rather they paid to treat their self-inflicted illness.
  19. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006

    You ask for logic, but you don't give any yourself.

    No, Marijuana should NOT be legalized. Why? Because the THC contained in it, IS addictive, admit it or not, it is. It ****s with your judgment, and overall makes you a worse person. I have seen countless people go from great, fun people to lazy piles of crap because they start smoking pot. if it was legalized, the country would become a pile of filth of people going to mcdonalds at 2am to cure their munchies, and teens hurting themselves, and others. it's not necessary.
  20. 007 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 5, 2008
    Behind you
    you know, I just don't get how they can ban marijuana but not tobacco
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