Should marijuana be legalized?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Chad Thundercucc, Feb 6, 2011.


Should Marijuana be legalized?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes, but only in certain areas

  3. No

  1. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Some say that weed is harmless and is much more tame than most hardcore, addictive drugs like heroin or even alcohol and even has less of a risk. In my opinion, weed is harmless for certain facts like it doesn't get one physically addicted to it (its less addicting than tobacco), no one has ever over-dosed on marijuana, it can be used for medicinal purposes to help with nausea and other problems, there have been no links to marijuana and cancer (except probably the smoke itself) and simply, I just think that it's a life enhancer. Only problems that I see is that, if it's abused, it can lead to short-term memory loss, a lack of motivation, the smoke itself is bad for your lungs, slight paranoia, and a lack of focus. Although, in general, I think that if one were to use marijuana in moderation, than it shouldn't be a major issue to one's health, much like alcoholic beverages shouldn't be an issue to one's health if consumed in moderation.

    Now, to those saying "Well, if it is illegal, than it must be for a reason," I'd like you to read the following article.

  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I take the stance that no consensual activity or transaction between individuals should be prohibited with the threat of or actual use of violence. Work the rest out yourself there... I do not care about the effects of the object or reasons behind a ban. I care about the principle of coming against people who are only potential criminals, and not criminals in truth, if you want to take the stance that it causes other crimes. That I see as wrong, every time. In order to prevent a future loss, one might to go to great lengths to cause loss to someone who has harmed no one yet. The law should only deal with loss recovery, and never with prevention, so long as that prevention takes the form of violent punishment for something not yet done. When the law strays from this, as with bans on anything, including substances, it brings more harm into the equation than there was before they did so. Let me give a small assessment to support this.

    Let us say that you had a society in which only thieves, murderers, and other violent criminals were arrested and only they were punished for anything, because they were the only ones who did anything wrong, according to the law. In this instance, if the law enforcement kills people or steals from them for breaking the law, the ratio of how much damage it done will be relatively close to the the ratio of the number of people killed and stolen from by criminals, because they would only kill or steal from thieves and murderers. This is an ideal system, as I see it. Even if you make mistakes, you do not kill anyone for doing something arbitrary.

    Now, let us say that this society has the same crime rate as before, but sees that drugs are correlating with the level of crime in an area where they are being distributed. As a result, it bans the drugs. Now, keep in mind that the murderers from before are still killing the same amount of people, and the same amount of people are stealing from others, in a general sense. But now, the law enforcement are coming against people using the same violence that any street thug might, and kidnapping them just for having or using the drug. Even if, and especially if, the law enforcement still takes care of the actual murder cases and thefts, it is now doing more harm to more people than all of the murderers, thugs and thieves combined, because the murderers, thugs and thieves do not beat people, entrap them, or kill them simply for owning drugs, or not nearly as often. In a society where the law enforcement does more harm than the criminals do, you have a problem. Any ban on any substance or object will do this, and so they must be stopped or repealed.
  3. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I' d say either legalize canabis or prohibit alcohol, otherwise there' s a major hypocrisy there. People get arrested for possessing weed, but at the same time they' re allowed to buy any amount of whiskey they want ? Yeah, right ...
    Personally I' d rather have it legalized, that way I wouldn' t have to buy ****** stuff from shady guys anymore. There' s already a LOT of alcohol drinkers everywhere, so I don' t think legalizing cannabis would worsen the overall drug consumption one bit.
  4. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Medical Marijuana was legalized not too long ago here in Michigan. I think it would be a good way for the state to make money to completely legalize it, but personally I can't stand the smell of the stuff. Seems like I'm always sitting behind the guy in class that just got off the weed bus.

    I guess I don't really have a strong opinion either way. Legalize it I guess, might as well profit of something that is as easy to get your hands on as 'illegal' fireworks.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Yes, but again it needs to be regulated appropriately. It is in effect a very similiar to alcohol, with it giving someone a positive feeeling and high that makes the individual feel good and want to do it again.

    People easily link marijuana and crime together but I don't think it should be be put in such a catergory. The only reason it is seen with crime is because it is an illegal substance, however if legalised it would be seen as a more pharmacutical and social substance. If it was legalised, funding for criminal organisations would be reduced for many reasons mainly from the lower prices to pay from it and the ability to buy it from more reputable sources then a dealer on a corner. THis is my same arguement for legalising prostitution, it needs to be regulated in order to stop criminal funding and to keep all people involved safe.

    The negatives of legalising it would likely be more addiciton rates, government taxation, etc but the overal effects should be minimal compared to the positives, in this I feel that the pros outway the cons, and is the reason why I want it legalised.

    It's funny to note that hemp was first used for pratical purposes such as threading rather than something to smoke. Things only change when we change the meaning of them.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Marijuana in America is like gay marriage in America. It needs to be illegal so people can feel "safe."
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Personally I can't stand the smell of it, it's just awful, but if someone wants to smoke it it's their choice. I'll be honest and say that I lose a bit of respect for people that I find out do smoke it, but given the medical and potential economic benefits of it, it's not like it's an evil crop or anything.

    It would, of course, have to be regulated as Peace-and-War said. For me it's on the same level as cigarettes and alcohol, as long as there are age limits on buying it (yes I know that stops pretty much no one) and companies selling it do post a warning that it can be an addictive substance/the harm it can do to you overtime, I have no problem.

    I say addictive substance because, from my understanding, it's more of a psychological dependence on it to be happy. That's just what I've gained from my minuscule amount of drug education though, haha.
  8. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Exactly. The same could be said about video games, by the way. The last time I bought cannabis was more than three months ago, I dunno if I could stop playing video games or surfing the web for more than three days.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It has around the same amount of addiction rate per person as alcohol. In sense it's as addictive as alcohol, whilst the actual effects differ as long as it isn't abused by the amount consumed then it should be seen as perfectly acceptable, otherwise it is a contradiction to allow the legalisation of alcoholic substances.

    Even if/when it's legalised it's not going to send the world into ever lasting darkness and society as a whole will collapse leading to some World War 3 situation. That's just paranoid and is unfortuantely what a majority consider the results of legalising will be. Instead it will just be more broadcastable, accepted and also be taken in public places more, where you are permitted to smoke of course. That is as far as I see it going realisitcly.

    Personally I really don't care for the stuff at all, my minds out of it as is. But I think that people should be allowed to make the choice of whether they want to try it or not, instead of it being forced as something they can't legally do. It's like what Patman said, either legalise it or make alcohol illegal, otherwise it's a contradiction.
  10. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Why is it that most people who don't smoke it do this? They don't know what it's like, but still judge others for doing it. Not pointing you out, Misty, but just in general.
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    No, it's fine. =]
    I feel the same way about people I learn smoke regular cigarettes or drink alcohol (though that one is kind of iffy, if it's at a party or something & in moderation it's okay by me). It's not like I won't talk to or be friends with people who do it, but I can't help but think a bit less of them. I personally just don't like the idea of someone using substances to alter the way they're functioning. Any sort of dependence on anything terrifies me--I'm the same with coffee too, though that's obviously much more socially acceptable.

    I don't think that paragraph makes much sense, haha.
    It's just a values thing I guess, some people have just been brought up and have had the idea repeatedly pushed into their mind that 'pot = bad' to the point where it's 'people who smoke pot = bad'.

    Edit: Just realized how silly this sounds with my icon having a cigarette in her mouth. xD but still, haha.
  12. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Marijuana is illegal for a reason. The reason is that rich people don't want it. Rich people wanted alcohol, so in the Prohibition era, they threw a hissy fit. Hence, ban lifted. No one in a position of wealth has made quite as much of a stink over Mary J. [/pseudo-Marxist]

    Gotta be honest, you would probably have to work harder to kill yourself on weed than totally sober. I've been around weed-smokers a lot--Never done it myself, mind--and they are some of the tamest, most responsible people I know. They're careful, docile, and considerate of non-smokers; one person I hung out with a lot would always offer to blow the smoke out the window. Sure, not everyone who smokes weed is like that, but the fact that it can be reduced to such a nonthreatening level is evidence that it is a safe substance if used carefully. I definitely get the "lack of motivation" bit, and I know it's not for me, but I don't see why it should be illegal.
  13. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I think it should be legalised but only in a form that isn't damaging such as a spray or something
  14. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    This sentence pretty much sums up my feelings on recreational drugs. I don't like the notion of changing the way your mind works just for kicks and giggles. But it's probably an overreaction on my part. I've seen someone I know get honest to goodness addicted to marijuana. I've been told that it's only as addictive as alcohol, but I'm not all gung-ho on the idea of alcohol either. I've seen both of these things turn nasty. I'm also not a huge fan of inhaling fumes purposefully into your lungs. But I won't not be friends with someone because they do choose to do so.

    I voted no on the poll, and I think that my mind was more answering whether I think it's a good idea to smoke marijuana. But I'm not totally against the legalizing of it. You just wouldn't find me anywhere near it.

    Edit: and lol, Misty, at the guy smoking a herbal cigarette in my sig. xD Let's be hypocrits together. <3
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Class doesn't have anything properly to do with marijuana purchasing, apart from the fact that the rich have a beter ability to buy more than those who are on lower wages. In the end, whatever your class you can still become addicted to a substance because we're humans. Hell, being human has nothing to do with it, animals have been known to take natural drugs, such as baboons taking tobacco and the occassional domesticated pet becoming to second-hand smoke and alcohol, weirdly enough. My point is that clebrities, politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc have the potential to take drugs as much as the next person.
  16. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    I sort of agree with you on the fact that depending on ANY sort of substance is a scary thought. Which is why, ironically, I don't smoke cigs, or drink liquor, but don't mind the idea of smoking Mary Jane every other weekend. Mostly because you still have a sense of self, you can still talk to sober people without them being suspicious of you being high, etc. unlike being drunk where you're speech is slurred and you're falling all over the place. Does that make me a hypocrite? lol
  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Yes but, as with alcohol, you shouldn't be allowed to drive under influence of weed, toke during working hours, sell it to kids etc. You know; regulate its usage a bit.
  18. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm pretty sure you can't drive under the influence of weed anyway, even in the legalised areas.

    I'm towards the making it legal side. I do weed every now and then and I don't see the problem. But I'm not going to say it ain't addictive because it can happen and more often to those with an addictive personality. In my eyes it is no harmful and addictive as alcohol. In many ways being completely drunk can be far more self destructive than being high. It can be done, look at Amsterdam and as far as I'm aware that place isn't having any major problems.

    I can understand both sides of the argument as a drug it's pretty weak in comparison to most and over here I can't understand why it's a B class drug. On a personal level weed is my limit I will never go beyond that. But you do see those who use weed and might move onto other drugs. It's rare but it does happen.
  19. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    I don't think marijuana should be legalized because even though it is used for medical purposes, people would take advantage of it and get high and what not.
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Sorry, but that is an incredibly weak argument. People are killed over this because there is a law against it. Why should people die over getting high? Or, even more, be arrested and put in a cell? So much as have their drugs taken away? They spent money on them, after all... There needs to be some kind of reasoning behind the law, other than trying to control what people do with their own things. I should have the right to buy poison and kill myself intentionally with it, because I own both the money that bought the poison, and after that the poison itself, and then my body as well. And, owning both of them, I have the right to mix them as a I wish. And so I should have the right to do whatever I want to my body, no matter what the poison does... After all, you do not own my body, and nor do your friends, or their friends with badges. Either I own myself or I do not, as I see it. Property rights are absolute if they exist at all, and I should hope that you would say that they exist at all.