Maplestory. the first MMO I ever played after runescape. I was in 7th grade and I remember I used to play with my two good friends all the time...we had tons of fun. I deleted it recently (last year) though, because it got boring...I've gotten nostalgic, and the new updates seem really cool. tons of new worlds, etc. (Im a sophomore in highschool, so its been a little while). So what do ya think I should do?
Play Mabinogi.... Mabi is like, the ONLY good thing Nexon has on it OTHER than Maple..... Or at least try it...If you wanna, you can IM me or PM me for some info ok?
He didnt ask what he should play now,he asked if he should go back to MapleStory. Go back to it if you have some really good times on it ^^