Or should I save my money? I've heard great things about it, only that one of the main problems is that its too short and too easy. I like playing games that are lengthy and challenging, but I dont mind something really easy now and then.
prince of persia is a great game i think you should get it but if you are looking for something really good try Ninja Gaiden.
PoP is a way great game and ya it has its really easy moments but you turn the diffuculty up and its frikin hard!
Which PoP game are you talking about? If it's Sands of Time, then it's perfect. I will never play the sequels to that one because it really killed the series for fans of the original. The new PoP is interesting, but it didn't capture me like Sands of Time.
I would say yes or at least give it a try to see if it is something that you will want to invest in. I enjoyed playing it at my buddies but i'll admit, that i've yet to open mine for the 360.
Sands of Time is the best iteration in the series. And just that one, the sequels totally killed the charm. And it may have been difficult, but it was worth it. But, that's just my fanboyism. I didn't like the new one as much, but it's just missing what made me enjoy SoT. So, it's your call. Try it out at a friend's house.
Prince of persia is a great game and its fun to play and it can be difficalt at times. but also if your loking for something more challenging resident evil is also a great game
Really, the new PoP game was generally enjoyable, but it doesn't even compare to Sands of Time. It was so easy, (It was almost literally impossible for you to die), and you never have a fight in the game where it's you against a whole bunch of enemies. It's always one on one fights, or you and your partner against 1 enemy. Just goes to show pretty graphics and cool moves do not a great game make.
This sounds like its teetering on the rental side from what I'm hearing...I might buy a used copy later then. Thanks guys.
I think you should rent it before you waste 60 dollars on a game you might not like. The fact there's only 1vs1 fights, and the game basically plays itself ruins it for me.
The game is easily worth a buy, I nominated it as my GOTY.. course then I played MGS and Fallout and changed it asap. But yeah, I love the game. The combat is decent sure and some times unresponsive, but the platforming is spectacular and the main ponit of the game. That whole you can't die is BS, you fall many times and get taken back to checkpoints all the same. The difference is you don't have a game over screen but platformers are all about flow, this doesn't interupt the flow and gives you a reason to give a f*ck about Elika and the kick to the sack ending. That being said, I'd rent it. Tis an incredibley short game. Not as short as Fable 2, but still pretty damn short.