Short Story Contest June and July 2010

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Juicy, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Last month's winner was Advent with "What a Pleasant Nightmare". Although the story was slow to begin with some descriptively long sentences, the touching character development proved this tale a winner. Infact, I wished it could have continued; I was waiting for a confirmation on which world was the dream after all.

    Once again, congratulations also go to Jiku Neon, as I found her dialogue once again brilliant and realistic. The ending of her story was also rather chilling.

    This month's theme, and required title of your story, is War. Take it as you like, though it would be great to see you manipulating the title to your creations.

    You could always think a little less "war in Afghanistan" and a little more "war over the ketchup bottle"...

    EDIT- I've extended the contest to last over July for two reasons. One, maybe we'll get another entry or two; Two, I quite literally have no time to organize another contest, I am out of my mind busy organizing my travelling over the world next month and will be gone for a long time. @_@
  2. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    Im goning to start of this story a bit weird but I hope you enjoy

    The Important Battle
    "Its late at nightand my doors are shut. Im thinking of a battle plan wich I hope will work. My worst enemy has come upon me and I must fight back no matter how much pain will be caused"Josh said allowed. "I wont be beatin must have my revange...They most wonderful life was taken! He did no harm!" He growel.

    Josh got out a pen and a long sheet of paper wich covered his whole desk. He thought hard on how to attack the enemy. He drew out the battle scene and made sure all the rooms were in the right spot. He drew little stick people representing the people in his army.

    "Alright.... First I have to make sure people are around the perimter...Alright then.... Mike will go infront of the entrance so no one can get out... I will have Milly at the back gate to make sure no one pulls a fast one on me..." josh then thought for a second."How will I know what room he will be in...I will just have to base my thoughts on luck..." He drew the stick people cafefully examinig every little spot to make sure no exit is open.

    "Alright...Now I have to plan my invaid for battle...He has Max...The strongest of them all... I cant believe of all people to betray me....Max my dear friend wy help him in such a murder..."Josh sighed."I cant let it get to me now its almost time to invaid"

    Josh took out a paper and wrote

    Plans of Attack

    Step one:Once I know all the exits are blocked I shall move into their lab...I will walk swiftly through the door making sure not to make sounds or leave a trace...I'll have my gun out infront of me at all time's as I knock each door down. If needed take all things that look important but no dilly dalling.

    Step Two: If head Leaders M and D are protroling I will creat a noise behind them to get their attation to somthing else. When plans work move in past then and turn to the hall on the left. If coast is clear walk a few steps forward. Then put ear against first door. If all is silent for ten second proceed to next door. If all is not silent barge in and take out the enemy with no hasation.

    Step two: One the main enemy is found shoot with no holding back. Take max captive to try and get him over to the good side. Find murder weapon and hide it and take it under for examination.

    Step Three: Find dead body of my friend. If found get Meechie and ray to come in and take the body into safe keeping. If body is not found within ten minutes give up,take max and muder weapon and leave.

    Then he wrote on another sheet of paper

    If plans of attack go wrong

    If caught by leader's M and D make up a story about others breaking in the back. then pray that they leave and dont see Milly. If let free then go by the Plan of Attacks. If not set free scream like a little girl and see what will happen from there.

    It was now seven inthe morining and josh left his desk as layed down.

    "At three PM the battle will take place... I have to make sure everyone knows their places....Now I must rest for tomrrows victory..." And with the josh fell asleep.

    ~~ That afternoon ~~

    ALright you guys! Everyone read the paper!! We have thirty minutes befor battle! make sure everyone knows Their spots!" Yelled josh. Everyone was outside a market building

    "But what if M and D see me??" Milly yelled

    "Then suck it up and fight!" josh replied

    "Good luck with that..." Milly said under her breath.

    "Alright people lets go! everyone keep safe!"

    Every bowed their heads and left head corders. Everyone was outside infront of a big house. Josh opened the door and walked inside. So far the cost was clear. And he proceeded down the hall a women and a man were walking
    around. "Its leader M nd D" he said to himself. He went into his pocket near his gun holder and took out a rock and threw it and broke the lamp. M and D ran to see what had happened.
    Josh smiled at his succsess and turned to the left and went down the hall. He took out his gun and pressed his ear against the first door. All was silent. He nodded and went to the second door. He heard the enemy talking he had his gun ready.

    Josh then kicked down the door and barged in.

    "JOSH WHAT THE HECK?" Yelled a tall man in a blue shirt and next to him a dog.

    "You killed my G.I JOE DOLL! YOU SHALL PAY!" He yelled and ran in.

    "Dude....your still mas over a doll?....." Said the boy

    "your an evil brother! you shall pay!!" Said joe and put his gun up to the mans chest.

    "Bro....its a fake gun.... Like a little piece of rubber is going to hurt me"

    Josh then looked at max "you even turned max against me!!!"

    His brother looked at the dog. "Josh this isnt even our dog!"

    At that moment leader M and leader D walked in "Whats going on here?" Said leader M

    The older broter spoke " Mom josh is still mad over me breaking his toy last month. REally he
    needs to learn how to let things go."

    His mom looked at josh then leader D wich was his dad. The dad then held a rock to josh's face. "I know this is yours. You the only one who would have a blue rock.Your grounded young man for breaking mom's lamp and putting a whole in your brother's door. And how mant time's do we tell you not to point a gun at people? even if it is fake!"

    Josh gave a look and went to his room. His parents followed behind makeing sure he went to his his room. They left him alone and then they heard him scream.

    "It's sad how our son screams like a little girl...." The dad laughed.

    The end
  3. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Since I'll have time I'll probably participate in this month's.

    Will edit with entry later.
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Congratulations to Advent, any other result would have been a farce and a travesty. Just saying.

    With this many people entering I might not have to enter at all. These are the words that I'll be swallowing when the 28th rolls around.

    Edit: It's early, but I don't see anyone else posting so I'm going to err on the side of I don't give a f
    uck and enter. It's sorta in line with the theme in some ways but at the same time I could see someone not really seeing the direct connection. Whatever. What is it good for?

    Absolutely Nothing

    They say that war is hell, but for me it didn’t feel like I’d been there until I got home. Dad was dead. Mom was dead. My brothers were, guess what? Dead. The house had been foreclosed upon while I was fighting and neither of my parents had a legal will. So I got home in time to catch a bunch of dirty looks as I tried to get into what I thought was my own house. The neighbors called the cops and they threw me in a cell for a night before they told me a single thing.

    They let me out in the morning but they said they’d throw me in longer if they caught me around that nice old lady’s house again. It was an old lady that had taken the old homestead apparently. After that I had to check newspapers and go to the town hall to see if anyone related to me was still alive.

    Nope. Just as I told you at the start. They all died. My brothers and father were in a different platoon from me but the same as each other and were all blown up at once by the same bomb they say. My mom heard the news and wasted away thinking that she’d lost everything. She ended up a rotting corpse without even the will to go buy groceries so they pulled her from the house in hazmat suits and had her buried wherever.

    But I wasn’t dead. No one noticed that I wasn’t dead until I became a nuisance to them and they wished that fate upon me. Fuck them. They tell me to go fight for six months, leave me out for twenty four and then tell me to go home to a place where the people want me as little as those damned foreigners did. Fickle, flippant, flickering, phosphorescent, fuck. At least they didn’t take my life like they did my family’s and at least they’re still paying my bills, barely.

    Damn light. Keeps flickering, on and off, on and off, on and off. It makes me sick. Going out. Gotta get away from that damn light. The whole apartment sucks though, not just the light, the walls are thin so I can hear the couple of rabbits on the east side and the solo act on the west, the furnishings are all old and crappy and not one of the utilities runs smoothly. I get rust in my water, I get water in my rust. My electricity is more likely to kill me than microwave a potato and the gas would incinerate the place if I was suicidal enough to try it.

    I hate the whole damn place. That’s why I always hang out around the city as late as possible. I’m not afraid like I was when I was a kid. I’ve killed more people than any murder on these streets and I don’t mind upping the count by a ne’er-do-well or two. Not like I’d lose on an insanity plea, post traumatic stress works wonders. It’d be a step up to go to a mental institution for me probably. Fuck it.

    I’d just have more time to think there. That’s what I’m doing now isn’t it? Better get wasted and head back before something really does happen. The local bar is nearly the only place I’ll show my face and that’s because I’ve got my dog tags and ragged uniform under it most of the time. No one messes with me and no one asks questions. I can just focus on getting so hammered I lose the mental capacity to be depressed about anything.

    That’s my life. Nothing left in it but trying to forget what already happened in it. So far things have gone about as well as you’d guess. Maybe I do need a job. Next week when I’ve recovered from this massive hangover I already know I’m gonna have tomorrow. That’s what I like about rum and vodka, couple of shots in and I know exactly how bad I’ll feel tomorrow and the day after. It’s not like beer that leaves you hanging for an hour before anything that feels physically damaging happens. Well fuck it, anymore and I’m not gonna get home at all.

    Gonna finish the bottle back at my place. Shit. It’s a guy from high school. Rocks for jocks material and slightly crooked in the nose and demeanor. You’d think that with all my time I spent forgetting I’d be a little worse with the names and faces of people I see on the street. Wearing Armani are we and strapped like a mob boss to boot. No way. There’s girls too? Whose Italian sports car is that? Dear god, why can’t that be me?

    I never did a thing wrong in my life and it decides me fuck me over and give this guy everything. No, that’s a lie. I was the one who did the wrong thing… Fuck. I gotta get home. Can’t show up drunk and blithering in front of anyone who knew me before, it’d be the height, pinnacle and paramount of ignominy, shame and disgrace. And I can still here those two rabbits going at it. I could bang on the walls and end up with a hole that may or may not mix one of my hands up in their—activities—or, I could just wake up and realize I passed out already and that this dream is just as bad as living it.

    Fantastic, I was right. Never made it home, guess that last shot was a bit too much for my system. As proven when I wake with a startlingly potent spike of pain through my head next to three unpleasant things. A dumpster, a puddle of what I am beginning to hope is my own vomit and a rat crawling towards the puddle looking for a drink. Fuck me. I’m not the soldier I once was, I’m not the kid I once was but I sure as hell haven’t grown up.

    So what am I even? Leftovers, something that someone might want, but just as easily might leave to rot and throw away later. That’s what I am for sure. Speaking of food, I remember hearing vomit was bad for the teeth, better get home and brush the pearly whites and find some coffee to redo the damage. Barely been home for two years and I’ve gotten used to this kinda wake up call already. Pathetic. Shit. I can’t live like this anymore I say for the four thousandth time. Two options kid. Get a job or jump off a building. Yeah, jobs are generally better though of than suicides. Go figure.

    Speaking of. My brothers didn’t all die in the war. One of them got a head start on all of us. He was lucky to be born my dad said, because his conception was a mistake and his birth was half botched. Mom drank, smoked and did everything else the docs say not to during the pregnancy, like she wanted to kid to turn out broken. Still, he did get born into this world that didn’t want him anyways and he ended up weak in everything but the head. Dad abused him, called him a sissy and encouraged the rest of us to make him our whipping boy. I didn’t like it, I didn’t like him; he had no fight in him, it was just too easy to be fun. And that’s all I thought of him until he swallowed half a clip from an illegal machine pistol.

    At the funeral everyone laughed. He’d never made anyone so happy in his life as he had when he held down that trigger. They told jokes about him and sang songs like it was a party and had a grand old time, someone even got up on the casket and started dancing. They got roaring drunk too and I was there too doing it all with them. They didn’t know I was the one who’d handed him the ammo; they didn’t know I was the one who taught him how to use dad’s favorite gun.

    For that, he was my first kill, I think. Not counting all those furry critters me and my older brothers chased down, of course. After that, I only thought of my little brother as number one on the counter. The number still reads ninety nine in my head. I never did get to meet Mister 100 over there. Lucky for him.

    Soon as I’m in, I’m out again; to go, I shudder to say, shopping. Haven’t done that since I got back. Just wore my old uniform and what clothes didn’t get thrown out by the new tenant. But I guess when you’re in your twenties it’s time to stop dressing like a high school student with a camo fetish. My dad would be so proud about the frugality of it and my mom would be so appalled by the griminess of it.

    I’m pretty grossed out by myself too actually. When was the last time my shower didn’t include flakes of metal and grit falling down on me? So I buy a suit with my booze money which, in retrospect, was my food money initially. I guess I got that from Dad, cheap ass bastard never could handle anything but a gun, never cared much for much else either.

    Even that didn’t save the poor bastard. Whatever. The past is…well it’s the past. It’s over and done with and I’m gonna do something with my life like I’ve been telling myself I would for the past two years. Maybe I do need help. Maybe the junk mail from the VA is worth looking into. Fuck it all.

    “Can I help you?†He says. This dude just walks up to me. Oh right, I’m in a store, people are paid to do that.

    “Yeah. Go faster than light and tell me that patriotism is for suckers and dupes will ya?†Speaking of light, migraines are fun.

    “What’s your name?†He’s suddenly interested in my business now. I don’t recognize him and he looks like he’s not interested that way.

    “Jackson Parker. Two last names.â€

    “I knew it!†He shouts like he’s heard it before.

    “I’m Peter Cromwell. We went to the same high school.†The name doesn’t sound familiar.

    “Sorry bro. Don’t remember much before the guns started firing.â€

    “You were over there?â€

    “Surprise you that much?†God my head still hurts.

    “You never seemed the type.â€

    “Well I’m sure you were exactly the guy I’d expect to see working the suits and ties aisles.â€

    “You really don’t remember me?â€

    “Yes.†You little prick. Making me feel like killing again is all this little stroll’s done. So he laughs it off and gets on with his job. Helps me find a suit and off I go. But then he says one more thing.

    “Hey, if you ever need anything, I’m willing to help, you fought for everyone here overseas so it’s our turn to fight for you here, okay?†I’m actually, legitimately and seriously touched. I have no idea why, but for some reason I care that there is still someone out there that doesn’t just want me out of the way. But even so, everything about this annoys the fuck outta me. His voice, his face, his posture and face. Everything about him—no—everyone is just too annoying. It’s because I killed, I bet. It’s ‘cause I listened to people, then killed them on cue.

    It’s ‘cause I never knew how to deal with people and when I learned it always involved them shutting up as the toxicity of high speed lead set in and ended when I’d picked the body for ammo and food. Seeing all these people just makes me miss the flickering light and the fornication of my apartment, I never had to shoot lights and I’ve never had sex. It’s making me absolutely bonkers. Goddamn!

    Can I really go back into civilian life? I hated the army worse than anything but… well at least I did it well, I’m alive aren’t I? Everything before and after resembles a train wreck on top of a building as it collapses on top of unsuspecting passersby. Is that too extreme a comparison? Not if you’re a bystander getting crushed by train parts and rubble. Strangely enough, I felt more comfortable on the front than on the asphalt or the linoleum or the piss stained carpets that welcomed me back. What my mother would say about that thought I’d like not to imagine.

    Anyways, I’m headed back up to the apartment now. Well, I was headed that way when the shooting started. Now I’m kinda rigid all over the EMT vehicle stretcher. I think I’m dead. I’ve thought it before, but what’s really bugging me is that I got blood all over that nice suit. Arterial blood too, that’s why there’s so much of it. Even if I survive, it’s garbage. At least the blood receding from the body leads to less of a headache.

    That didn’t happen when I was mowed down by machine gun fire that last time I had time to think I was dead, but then again I didn’t have as much alcohol in me that tim I’ve heard that there’s less then six liters of blood in the human body and you die if less than half that’s gone. I dunno if I’m in the position to say this but I feel more than three liters lighter already. I could fly like a bird if I had the strength to flap these arms like wings. Fuck.

    “Patient is unresponsive!†Shouts one.

    “Clear!†Shouts the other.

    BZZT! goes the defibrillator.

    Thump. goes my head.

    Life isn’t a journey to the grave, it’s an uphill battle towards it.
  5. person989898 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 7, 2010
    Victoria, Australia
    Necros - (I take the theme WAR as the hero at war with the opposing force XD, also because i just wrote this for school :P

    I awoke frantically, my long black hair shining with sweat. I could hear a faint noise in the distance, it sounded as if someone was screaming, but the noise was cut off suddenly. Was this a dream I thought as I got up slowly and cautiously walked to the heavy wooden door, which I then proceeded to open. I instantly froze as I saw my mother sprawled on the floor facing my door, blood seemingly splattered all over the walls and a pool forming around her body.

    Through the crack of the open door, I saw a man approach from behind and look down at my mother's corpse; I was flung into a blind rage as I smashed the door open, as it hit the wall it was ripped from its hinges. I charged at the man, jumped, planted my left foot upon his chest, and twisted my body bringing my right foot towards his head. There was a loud thud as he hit the floor, but he simply growled and stood up.

    I stood there, looking up at the man whom towered over me; he hadn't even been scathed by my kick. He looked down, smiled and said sadistically "This could be fun…" Out of nowhere his fist came at me, but my reactions were faster than his due to the adrenaline rush I had received, I ducked quickly out of the way and tried to sweep his legs from under him with my outstretched leg.

    He laughed loudly as my plan failed and he proceeded to kick me in the chest with the flat of his foot, and as I had the wind knocked out of me I was picked up by the leg, held upside-down for a moment before being flung across the room with a flick of his arms. I hit the far wall extremely hard and kept going through it, it was then that realized that I had only caught him by surprise before.

    His chest plate shone in the moonlight as he stepped through the hole in the wall. I spat blood as I struggled to my feet, my left arm hung uselessly by my side, most likely broken from the throw. I looked up and felt a surge of something behind my eyes. He looked at me, as if he'd seen something very interesting. I had heard of these knights, they went around to every village in the land, gathering or killing people with special talents, some might even go as far as to call them magical, but I had never believed in that kind of thing.

    I then felt a searing pain in my arm and heard a snap, but the pain quickly left and I moved my arm as if it were as good as new. I was dumbfounded and the evil man still approached, "Necros" he said, I looked at him and then to my arm, how could he have known my name, "We have sensed a magical entity in this village" he said flatly. "It seems we were almost right, unfortunate that someone as pretty as your mother had to be wasted in finding you".

    The rage came again, and I moved with a blinding speed that shocked even me. Flashing and disappearing as I rushed towards the man, when I was behind him I jumped, and span in mid air my foot connecting with the left side of his body. He was rocketed left and landed in a heap about twenty metres away.

    I approached the man as he was struggling to get up and I noticed that his chest plate lay off to the side, the solid steel crumpled by the amazing force of my kick, where had I gotten that power…. The man looked up at me as I looked down I noticed that his leg was snapped and was lying at an unnatural angle.

    He looked up at me and in horror he said "Those eyes…" his trembling voice trailed off after those words. My black hair was swept up in the wind, flying left. I stood over the man now, he was quavering with fear. I looked into his eyes, ignoring his pathetic attempts at begging for his life. I focused and felt that heat behind my eyes again, I held out my hand, palm facing him, fingers splayed, I felt a surge of power, blinked, and when I looked back all that was left was a charred patch of ground, smoke slowly rising from it.

    2 years later

    I had long since faced the evil knight and discovered my powers for the first time, I had taken my possessions and had burnt then small house my mother and I had lived in. I had heard of other people like me, each with individual powers. Also word of a boy with glowing red eyes, who had defeated a fully fledged snake knight, had spread throughout the land.

    As I walked through the sun-dappled forest I found a clearing, a place where the path stopped and in place of the path there was a circle about five metres in diameter, surrounded by lush forest. This place hadn't been visited by anyone in years. I thought that I would stop, and rest at the guardian statue located at the very edge of the circle. I sat, pulled out an apple and an animal skin pouch that contained my water, and then I proceeded to eat.

    I gazed up at the clouds in the space between the tree leaves. My mind wandering, Necros… I heard the faint calling of my name from somewhere behind me. I got up turned around, very slowly. My eyes flashed red, as I had come to be able to call upon the power at will (but it was more powerful if strong emotion was the cause of activation), "Who's there?" I said loudly, unafraid.

    Necros…I am the spirit within the guardian statue. I looked down, shocked to see the eyes of the guardian statue glowing, a very faint blue colour. I stared at the statue for a little while before prodding it with the end of my foot, a small translucent thing, which looked exactly the same as the statue fell backwards. "Ouch! That hurts you know" the creature said. "Uhh…sorry, what exactly are you?"

    "What do I look like, a donkey?" it said, "come closer and have and see what I am", "closer", "closer" "BOO!" I fell backward from the sudden fright, and the little spirit started to laugh wildly. I got up and looked at it, frustrated at its immaturity. When it had calmed down, it beckoned me to sit with it.

    "Necros, you are very special, and that name that you hold was not given to you by your mother. We spirits granted you the name of the great hero necros. For you must know of the tales?" "No" I replied flatly, "They never did interest me much"

    "WHAT!!!" the little spirit seemed furious "How could you talk so lowly about our savior, Necros". "Hey little buddy, why don't you just calm down and explain the legend to me?" "Hmm I might be the only one who could explain it truthfully…" "Well one hundred years ago, the legendary beast, Dojan, began to cause havoc and spread terror throughout the land"

    "It is said that a guardian spirit, my grandfather Ven, stumbled upon Necros, and noticing his special powers, pleaded with the seasoned war veteran to help, heh I forgot to mention that he had been a Master general in the Old Lord's army, being second in command to the Old lord himself!"

    "Well he eventually agreed and set out on a journey to collect the two weapons of power, one already being in his possession. The spirit and Necros travelled through the harshest of conditions, fighting many battles and battling the elements. While on their journey Necros mastered his powers, he could summon two mighty dragons to his side in battle, and it was said that he possessed an inhuman strength."

    "Well, when they arrived under the black flying fortress of Dojan, Necros' powers had grown so great that he simply willed to be inside the fortress, and found himself and Ven inside Dojan's throne room." "Luckily at the time it was empty, for Dojan and his forces had commenced a war against the Old Lord. Necros began to dismantle the fortress, killing every living thing that had remained inside."

    "Well the war had gone on for weeks at many different locations; Necros had finally found the main location, after trailing Dojan's forces for many days. Well put simply he wiped out Dojan's forces and there was a great battle, between himself and Dojan, unfortunately, the Old Lord was killed by a ricocheting dagger."

    "Dojan was looking to have the upper hand, having killed Necros' dragons and was about to deliver the final blow, before Ven gave up his spiritual form to save Necros, and Necros in turn delivered the final thundering blow"

    "That is the legend of Necros, as told by Vex" he (or at least I thought it was a male) said "You know you look like the old paintings of Necros, Long black hair, tall, a single pauldron on your left shoulder, those gauntlets with their sharpened fingertips, yes you indeed do look like him, all except your eyes when you activate your power, the old Necros' were blue while yours are red"

    I sat there amazed, suddenly remembering my mother telling me about Necros when I was an infant to young to understand at the time. "B-b-but are you implying that I am a descendant of Necros, and that you are Ven's descendant?" I managed to say. "Yes" was all he said.

    "I believe it is time to give you your sword" Vex said. "My sword?" I repeated obnoxiously. Vex walked away, and a minute later came back with some kind of crystal in hand. "Take it and call for your rightful inheritance"

    I did as he said, and the crystal flashed, blinding light was being emitted from it. When I opened my eyes there was a katana in my hand, but it was too long to be a katana, yet too short for a Daito, the Golden Scabbard, with its many curving designs, gleamed and shone in the sunlight.

    "It is said that the sword was created by the legendary, Japanese sword smith, Masamune, and is called the gesshoku meaning Lunar Eclipse." Still baffled, I unsheathed the sword and examined the fine work on the blade, no imperfections whatsoever. I had studied Japanese history in the year following my mother's murder, and had travelled there by boat.

    I was amazed and was quick to thank Vex; he insisted it was mine anyway from the start. "So, I have reason to believe that Dojan has been resurrected or come back somehow, so will you come with me to defeat him"

    "Of course little buddy!" I replied, and with that we were off. We traveled for many nights and days until we came to out first stop. The Mountain Ranges, Vex stated that I would find the second weapon here. Unfortunately I had to find the next weapon myself and he said that it would take on the form of a weapon that I would be most comfortable using.

    I reached a cave, Vex close in step behind me, his head only reaching my knee. Some kind of force was directing me to move deeper within the cave. What I found was not a weapon, but a huge black mass, with gleaming white tusks. The mass was rising and falling rhythmically, I had read of beasts like these before, it was a gorilla-like creature with tusks and spines along its back.

    "Be careful Necros, you may wake it" It stirred, I stiffened suddenly, and when it turned over and began snoring again I exhaled. I started walking again, slowly, and silently. My foot hit a small pebble, and I knew then that I was in for a fight.

    The beasts yellow eye opened, red veins creeping across them. The beast rolled, proceeded to get up and roared. I placed my hand on gesshoku, the beast's gaze drifted down to my hand followed by another roar.

    My eyes flashed and the iris changed from brown to a glowing red colour, the beast reared up, it was huge, at least 7 meters tall it towers above me, and let out another deafening roar. I yelled at the beast, it looked at me puzzled, this beast must not have been used to another creature standing up to it. Another roar and then it charged, bounding towards me, I thrust my arm forward, splayed my palm and concentrated; the beast was hit by an invisible force and thrown backwards.

    It got up slowly, but I didn't wait. I charged this time and drew my sword, as it trailed behind me; I focused upon it, runic symbols appearing along the blade. The symbols glow intensified, red, just like my eyes. My movements became a haze, and so did the beast's, it was a lot faster than I had expected.

    We clashed as its clawed hands met my blade. I parried the next few blows and managed to strike at its left arm, surprised at the sharpness of the blade as is sliced the beast's forearm. It recoiled and howled in pain. It jumped, almost hitting the high roof in the cave. As it plummeted downwards, I jumped to the side; it hit the ground incredibly hard, the shockwave shaking the cave.

    I got up and tried to attack the beast its speed and ability to read my movements was simply amazing, the incredibly fast slashes and claw movements where impossible for a normal person to see, but with my eyes it was easy. I blocked, parried and slashed for what seemed to be an hour; I ducked as a swipe and quickly slashed upwards, finding the beast's chest.

    I spun as I slashed, so I ended up facing the opposite way, trying to hold my sword straight, but failing miserably as my hands shook wildly. I breathed wildly, and sheathed my sword, darkness crept across my view "Necros..." I heard as I fell backwards. I awoke, still in the cave, to see Vex kneeling next to me, speaking a strange language that I didn't understand.

    I got up slowly; I felt a pain across my chest and I looked down to see a huge gash, diagonally spanning from shoulder to hip. Strangely it was almost healed, I looked down at Vex and smiled "Thank you" I said "think nothing of it" he replied calmly.

    I continued deeper within the cave, and came to a wall. I proceeded to run my hand down along the wall. I stepped back, focused and kicked, crumbling the cave wall. A faint glow emitted from a pedestal that stood in the centre of the room.

    I cleared the dust and picked up the rose shaped crystal, "I've found it Vex!" I said excitedly, "Good Work!" He exclaimed. I walked out and wondered why the crystal hadn't taken shape. I looked at the sword at my side and then to the crystal, I pulled the scabbard, with the sword in it, from my waist and held it horizontally, I then held the crystal directly above the centre of the blade.

    The crystal disintegrated and the dust swirled around the blade, there was a flash and then I found that I was holding a spear in my hand. A Jumonji yari, the spear was heavy in my hand but felt as if it belonged there. Vex and I proceeded out of the cave and continued our journey.

    We walked for weeks, until we came across a battle. I saw a Red phoenix *** and a blue ox flag, neither of these were kingdoms near where we began our journey. The generals saw me, noticing my appearance, apparently I was wanted. Both armies charged at me. I pulled my spear out from its sling on my back. Spear-head facing the ground I focused, I hadn't changed my eyes back to normal from the previous fight and I wasn't sure that I could if I wanted to.

    I ran at speeds close to the speed that teleportation takes you; in a few moments the armies were both wiped out. Corpses littered the valley. I strode slowly towards the generals, and held out my hand, my palm facing them, hand splayed. I closed my hand into a fist and struck the ground.

    The earth beneath us shook, cracks appeared and an earthquake like force opened the ground beneath us, the generals fell in and perished.

    Vex and I continued our journey, when all of a sudden I saw something floating in the sky. I focused again, and black wings that seemed to be made of smoke sprouted from my back. As Vex held on I flew towards the sky fortress.

    I smashed my way through the roof of the throne room; there was one man only in the room. Dojan stood as I straightened myself out. "Why hello Necros, I've been expecting you" Dojan stated mockingly. "Dojan, I am here to punish you for you crimes against this Earth, and return you to the afterworld where you belong".

    Dojan chuckled, and then was instantly behind me, I ducked as a sword came over my head. I jumped into the air. Climbed up onto a ledge and focused on Dojan. I watched his extremely fast movements, surprised as I could barely follow them. "KATSU!" I yelled and an explosion went off in front of him, he tripped and was sent sprawling across the floor. "Hahahaha, good move" he said as he got up and brushed himself off.

    I jumped down, grabbed my spear faced it downwards and yelled "Hawk Plummet!" a cone of energy formed around me, like a spike. I hit Dojan squarely in the chest, impaling him and sticking him to the ground.

    The body turned into water as is drained away, I heard a sound behind me and the real Dojan tried to do my exact move. But I was too fast. I turned and faced my spear upwards he fell upon it, this time he was really impaled. His sword dropped and I destroyed it.

    Finally peace was upon us, but there was something wrong, where was Vex?

    I got up, "Vex!" I called.

    Suddenly my spear was protruding from my chest, I turned to see, Dojan standing, but there was something strange about him. He seemed to flicker and change, Vex was Dojan and Dojan was Vex. I had been betrayed. I plunged into the darkness, unable to recover this time…

    (This is the original non-corrected version, i hope you enjoyed it, not my best though i must say... :/)
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Okay, I'm gonna close this now, and read the stories, and then I'll announce the winner in the August thread.
