Short review on DMC4 PC Demo

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Xaldin, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, I decided to try it out, expecting it to be the same as the PS3 and 360 version, holy hell was I wrong.

    Considering I decided to try everything on the highest settings I was worried my computer wouldn't take it. Well I was wrong, in my surprise not only were the graphics crisp and smooth. It brought something nether Xbox 360's HD or PS3's HDMI input could bring. I was in awe just by looking at that. More in awe that the smoothness of the gameplay far exceeds 60FPS. Both cutscenes and gameplay were crisp smooth. I could notice so many details I could never notice on HDMI, and HD this is something capcom's definitely decided to revamp. There's nothing else I can say about the graphics for now, since this is only a demo, however I must say I'm excited for the game just from that.

    Turbo Mode
    Turbo Mode is just the same as the Turbo Mode featured in DMC3:SE, nothing really much to say about it, however it does get you thinking on your feet better, and after playing the game on Turbo Mode I saw huge enhancements in my gameplay through the normal mode once again.

    Afraid your computer can't handle it? Don't worry
    Despite how scary the requirements look just tone down the game a bit and you won't notice too much of a difference, the game isn't as crisp and the shadow resolution might be low but it won't look as bad as a near PS3 game. To deliver such high quality at low aspects surprised me.

    Well unfortunately I wasn't able to try out the Legendary Dark Knight difficulty *Sighs at Capcom for not even making the new difficulty mode optional in the demo* it's pretty much easy mode by how the game treats it, though Berial proved a bit more of a challenge then normally. I suppose the only control problem you'll have is using the keyboard, then again you can just hook up a 360 controller or a Joypad and enjoy your game from that.

    Is this Demo a must have?
    Sadly no but at the same time yes, despite how much I praised the demo, the demo is pretty much just showing off the new visual appeal, frame-rate and the new Turbo Mode. Besides that, just expect it to be the same as the PS3, and 360 Demo. With no Legendary Dark Knight mode added in the demo it makes you want to sigh and wonder why it wasn't thrown in. After all, all we know about the Legendary Dark Knight mode is that it spams your screens with monsters. It would have been interesting seeing how Berial would fight. Though the demo is free, so pick it up if you finally want to show your friends DMC4 without having to boot up your PS3 or 360, hell you can now take it to school with you.

    Well just the little peak into the game the demo gave, I must say this gets a 6/10 out of me in terms of a first impact to the audience. Showing a wonderful choice of system performance allowing you to test the system performance so you don't feel screwed over by jumping into the game. Showing a side of DMC4 that the PS3 and 360 couldn't give makes this game more physically appealing then the original. The new turbo mode adds a more fast pace, and quicker thinking style to the game. However it's not showing the new difficulty just small options that wouldn't make the game a must have. After all no one picked up DMC3:SE for the sake of having turbo mode, and if it gave a higher graphics no one would pick it up for that either. It was for playing as Vergil and the new Jester battles. Well the game is around a month or so till release, so hopefully the actual game makes up for it....I just fear the Legendary Dark Knight Mode will require all the difficulties to be beaten. *Sigh*
  2. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Nice review. But if you had to choose between DMC3:SE and the DMC4 (supposing the full pc game is out) which one whould you choose?