Shooting in Virginia

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Roxas is Hot, Apr 16, 2007.

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  1. Askilfeasd Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    Just try thinking logically when somebody starts gunning down your classmates.
    You don't know exactly what happened over there, and they're pretty much kids for Christ's sake, if someone start killing everyone in your school, I'm pretty sure that you along with everyone else would panic.
    Life isn't a video game, not everyone is a hero with nerves of steel. And by your logic, every woman who gets raped deserved it, because "they were cowards".
  2. Crispers Beep Boop

    Mar 29, 2007
    omg ok ppl calm down ok?
    plz stop!
    cuz like u dont know wat exactly happened
    and that if u were in a similar situation then u would know how it feels but u werent so stop sayin gthat ppl were being stupid cuz they werent
    i would be scared ****less too if i were in there situation so plz shut up
    rite know u should be praying or somthing not fighting about it!
  3. Kh-Vids Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 14, 2007
    In Destiny Islands
    Yea seriously guys grow up.
  4. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Hmmm... How, exactly, were these people even resembling kids? They were all in their lowers to mid 20's. When exactly does a person become an adult to you? And I didn't say they couldn't be scared, nor that they should have thought and planned out their moves. I'm saying their instincts -should- have kicked in. Why they didn't, I don't know. Maybe it's because, in our world, we dull our senses and we push out our instincts for more comfortable, easier acts and feelings.

    But I lied when I said they were all cowards. There was one person in the whole ordeal I respect, and that was a 70 year old war veteran that had blocked one of the doors so that the others could get out through a window. He ended up getting shot in the process, but everyone got out safely afterward. -That- is bravery, and instinct. Hell, that's compassion at its best.

    And yes, we all have a pretty good idea what happened. There -were- over a dozen witnesses who were able to speak of it.

    Look, you can all claim that I'm using video games as an influence, but you're just kidding yourselves. Throughout history, people, common people, have been able to take up arms almost immediately in order to defend their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Please don't mention video games anymore. I'm getting my ideas from history, not entertainment.
  5. Askilfeasd Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    They did kick in, and their instinct was to try to get away, there's nothing wrong with that.
    Exactly, he was a WAR VETERAN, he was trained to act under circumstances like that, the students obviously weren't.
    ...Well? Please provide a link to similar events taking place in which the students reacted according to your logic. And no, I won't accept any links from Wikipedia.
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ok fine, the next time a crazy guy starts shooting ppl, i better see u going to do something. it's common sense, to try NOT to be a hero, ur just gonna get killed. ok, u try running up to the guy, he can see u coming, and can shoot u RIGHT AWAY, and there's no way ur gonna get to him b4 he at least fires. ur ideas are very simplistic and ignorant. and ur history thing, gimme a break, they were AT SCHOOL, they didn't have ANYTHING but maybe some books?
  7. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I imagine if you'd learned something in school you'd know of -at least- one example where people defended themselves against unbearable odds, simply because they had the resolve to -live-. If you look at the American revolution, where farmers attacked British soldiers, or any other revolution for that mater, you'd see that many common people were able to step up and fight. Sure, they had some form of weaponry, but they were also fighting soldiers in much greater number than themselves. This was 50+ people against 1. And what did they do? They cowered in a corner in their classrooms, or jumped from windows and broke limbs or severely injured themselves. This wasn't an open area, it wasn't a town square or a shopping mall. The students had a very distinct advantage over this guy. He could only enter a classroom through the door, so they could have waited beside the door and attacked him as he came through. Fact is, they did nothing. A few jumped out of windows, or tried to run down the hallway, which I guess is -something-, but others simply sat in their classrooms hoping that he wouldn't come inside and shoot them.

    I'm saying that this is a very sad example of the american people anymore. We used to be so brave and understanding of the desire to live and be free, but now we take it for granted so much that we forget we still have to work for it.

    Oh, and I honestly and truly believe that I would be able to do something, anything, if this happened at my school. Not because I've been trained in the military or because I've been through anything similar, but because I know in my mind what would be required, and I know in my heart that I want to -live-. It doesn't take military experience to have the will to live.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    This particular shooting really catches my attention.

    I mean I laughed at how this guy wrote a 23 page PAPER, and very detailed at that, along with 40-some photo's of him brandishing new weapons. Along with that, I also found it quite particular how he was a mental patient. I mean, he was made fun of as a child and it even said in that 'paper' how people used to say "Go back to Korea" or "Go back to China". So yeah, he hates us Americans, which is why he did it. He said we were stupid as '****' because we couldn't tell the difference between the Asians.

    Which is kinda redundant...since it is kinda hard to tell sometimes.

    On a larger note, my math teacher, Mr. G, yelled at our class on Friday saying that we should always remember things like this. Haha. Of course I get sent to the Alternative Learning Center for backing myself up and arguing with him. >_>
  9. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    While I do not consider myself an expert on philosophy in any way, I do know something about that department. While the rest of the world rails this killer gunman Seung Cho, I find an interest in his words. Do not follow his actions, his words are powerful enough.

    "You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic boy’s life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."

    This is a direct quote from his manifesto sent to the offices of NBC in New York. What immediately strikes me is the conceptual ideas involving suito-Christianity in it's entirety, reflecting largely onto the idea of guilt and suffering of an egotistical government. This quote, by deeper analisis shows interesting logic. He dies to kill something. He dies to give life to youth. Whether this man has inspired anyone is up for grabs, the main thing is that he acts as a martyr under the guise of a terrorist to our people. That in and of it's self is worth serious thought.

    "Do you know what it feels to be spit on your face and to have trash shoved down your throat? Do you know what it feels like to dig your own grave?
    Do you know what it feels like to have throat slashed from ear to ear? Do you know what it feels like to be torched alive?
    Do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and be impaled upon on a cross? And left to bleed to death for your amusement? You have never felt a single ounce of pain your whole life. Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can just because you can? "

    The actual text is basically self explanitory. He is pained. Sure. I understand this but who is in question when he accuses these things. This is rather consistent through most of his texts. He accuses someone or some entity of evil deeds. After a lot of careful consideration, I think he points fingers directly at the social order. The order that forces on people hurtful and non-ficticious information in order to control and direct. How many times have you been unhappy or affected by what a higher power has told you? How often has that hurt you or controlled you in some way?

    "You had everything you wanted. Your Mercedes wasn’t enough, you brats. Your golden necklaces weren’t enough, you snobs. Your trust fund wasn’t enough. Your vodka and Cognac weren’t enough. All your debaucheries weren’t enough. Those weren’t enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

    Society does have everything, it has nothing, and all at once means nothing and everything. I think his understanding for society as a whole vastly exceeds that of me and many of my friends. What does he know about society to where killing became O.K? I can only juxtapose my own life to that of his. A life which I know little about. With some piecing together of the puzzle, and without too much effort, I can only say he's right. They have it all. But yet the youth is controlled, frowned upon, disrespected, and cruxified. To what avail? To what purpose? Can the youth live without vast expectation, can society live without hedonism?

    With all this in mind, please understand anyone who reads this, I am no killer, and what I say no way justifies the killing of 33 innocent lives. It is in fact an awful occurence. However, look past that to understand common meaning in his words. On many levels, the man is right. I'm no killer, I'm no murderer, and I have no rage or anger towards society, but he has a point.

    Ask yourself of the pressures. The pressures society forces on you as a youth. Is it all nessecary, are all these expectations needed? Can't we live and enjoy art and writing and love without being raped of fun and interest?
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    You are a beast.

    Amen. *reps you a zillion times*
  11. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    >.>.... -bows before the master of words-
  12. [s y n n e ] Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2007
    Bewteen the Lines
    The scary part is that it can happen anywhere >.>

    I wonder what drove him to do this....>.> I heard he was just stalking this girl and stuff =O

    iono, when I watched the news, he seemed....uhm.......iono the word, but he seemed like he thought too much >.>

    [EDIT] after reading DarkWatch's Bro writing, I must say, I have to agree. His words m,ade sense and in a way, I related. I see people who take things for granted where as I would've been so damn happy to have. Like those girls on "My Super Sweet 16" on MTV, I HATE that show because I see a bunch of spoiled brats asking Daddy Dearest for things I only DREAM of having. >.> And all they have to do is beg and whine while as I have to work and save. >.>

    Society is messed up, and I think sometimes it takes something traumatic or dramatic for ppl to realize this, but I dun think killing was a way >.> But consider it, are there things you guys are taking for granted?

    Meh...but you know, I dun know as much as DarkWatch's Bro does xD I'm just saying...
  13. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I must say all the while reading articles about the VirginaTech shooting that I could symphathize with the gunman.

    Now before you all jump down my throats about my statement I would like to say why.

    Almost all the articles say that he was depressed and that he was picked on. Those who know me well know that I'm a little odd. Meaning I don't really follow the crowd and I was the same way through high school and I still am. Just because I chose to be Goth didn't mean I would bring a gun to school.

    But yet I could see it in their eyes that that is what they expected me to do. But it never happened. Granted I fantasized about it but to be a better person than their perception of me, it never happened.

    I can see where he is talking about with his rant of 'this wasn't enough for you. That wasn't enough for you. etc.' We live in a materialistic society where we need the Ipod, the fastest car, the portable DVD player, a PS3{or XBox360 or Wii}. We need all the latest trends, even those shoes with the wheels in them. When do we draw a limit to it?

    But it is just sad that this person was driven to this point. All the 'disturbing literature and screenplays' I feel were him just trying to get someone to understand him. I find it hard to believe that whatever Institution he was admitted to would allow him to leave being he was a danger to himself. I know that most Institutions will not allow a patient to leave if they are 'a danger to themselves and to those around them.' Someone either made a big booboo or they felt that he was of sound mind enough to be discharged.

    Society feels it all too easy to write off the socially different. We've seen it all through history and this is just the latest example. So we don't conform to the standards set into place by the status quo, so what? Why the labels? The stigma? Do we adhere to the 'We don't understand it so it must be persecuted' stereotype of the human race?

    Lives were lost in Virginia a week ago but I chose to ignore that and I mourned for Cho since I felt I could identify with him better. Watching the video of his manifesto I just saw a soul crying out for understanding. I feel NBC was a bit rash to play it over and over again but how many times have we seen the planes flying into The Twin Towers? How many times do they play the Iraq footage? The media is just in it for themselves. Why else would they cover stories as long as they do? {Anna Nichole, VirginaTech, etc.}

    Anyway, I wish the VirginaTech students the best of luck returning to classes today.
  14. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    To me his screenplays were elaborate social commentaries on how the adults in society are the violent ones, and the children are essentially harmless, but always end up being pushed on the hardest.
  15. VI schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 17, 2007
    In your cereal box.
    Dude, that happened very close to where I live. Strangely enough I didn't hear about the VT shooting until the next day on the bus to school.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    The only thing I can say I feel sorry for the guy who did it was that he writes very crappy journal entries and that he took out his grudge against society on a bunch of school students. If he had this big of a deal, he should have gone after the people responsible and not been such a lily livered coward and gone after those who actually often are quite liberal. Students at universities, colleges etc are usually pretty liberal and want to 'change the world' etc and he killed people with ambitions. He's a coward and a spree killer. People can try to rationalize a spree killer and blame once again video games or movies etc, but these people are drama queens and have to go out with a bang, taking a crowd with them and making the scene as horrible as possible so they aren't forgotten.

    For those horrified by this, yes, it's very tragic. However, there have always been spree killers in any era of human history. Guns sure make the job easier so they can take out more people, but the killers themselves have always existed. We have a bigger population now, the spree killers have better weapons, and they pick areas to do their big dying stage scene where they draw the most attention. There's no need to me to 'panic' as some people seem to be from it. Instead, if it unnerves you, take some self defense courses and also in your class rooms take a look around and imagine where would you go and what would you do if it would happen and give yourself answers. The best way to get over fear is to give yourself rational thought possibilities so in that worst case scenario you are in control as much as you can be. We can never predict when a spree killer will do what they will, but we can do things to protect ourselves and those we care about and become more resourceful against them.

    For those who know of people in this tragic incident, my heart goes out to you.
  17. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    I despise this particular shooting for one personal reason.

    I made a threat over the internet to a friend, but then we made up later. One of her friends babbled it on the same day of the VT shooting, and I got expelled just because it was on that very day.

    That is probably the biggest reason that I am pissed at the guys who did the shooting >.>

    /pointless ramble
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    My brother's best friend was killed in the accident unfortunatly. That's why my brother decided to go back to Carsonlong next year to see his other friends and to graduate. He seemed fine over Matt's death, I didn't know him and I was sad.

    I'm pissed off at the shooter however. There was something I found about the Killer and a story he wrote. But it was removed on the Fourm I found it on.
  19. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Do you remember what it was? It sounds interesting.
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    No I do not remember the link the fourm is BaltoSource my topic on it is in Page 4 of Other on fourms. I read it, it really didn't have a plot to the story just A LOT of swearing.
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